Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master SMH : David Guiraud, "Stimulation Electrique Fonctionnelle", 16h, M2, Université de Montpellier, France

  • Master Neuroprothèses : Daniel Simon, "Control basics", 6.5h, M2, Université de Montpellier, France

  • Master Neuroprothèses : Christine Azevedo, "Ethical considerations", 3h, M2, Université de Montpellier, France

  • Master Neuroprothèses : François Bonnetblanc, "Motor Control", "Neuroplasticity", "Electrophysiology in Neurosurgery", 16h, M1, Université de Montpellier, France

  • Master Mechanics and its Interactions : François Bonnetblanc, "Motor Control", 4,5h, M2, Université de Montpellier, Polytech, France

  • DU Functional electrical stimulation : François Bonnetblanc, "Motor Control", "Neuroplasticity", "Electrophysiology in Neurosurgery", 12h, Université de Montpellier, France

  • DU Functional electrical stimulation : David Andreu, "Neuroprosthesis: from functions to active medical implanted devices" , 6h, Université de Montpellier, France

  • DU Functional electrical stimulation : David Guiraud, "Electrophysiology", "Biophysics", "Neuroprothesis", 6,5h, Université de Montpellier, France

  • DU Functional electrical stimulation : Christine Azevedo, "Electrophysiology", "Functional Electrical Stimulation", "Clinical Applications", 7h, Université de Montpellier, France

  • DU Functional electrical stimulation : Charles Fattal, "Functional Electrical Stimulation and Clinical Applications", 5h, Université de Montpellier, France

François Bonnetblanc is responsible for a DU about "Functional Electrical Stimulation"

D. Andreu teaches software engineering, real time OS, discrete event systems, control architectures, networks, neuro-prosthesis, 200 h, master and engineers degrees, Polytech Montpellier, France.


  • PhD: Benoît Sijobert, Assistive Control of Motion in SensoriMotor Impairments based on Functional Electrical Stimulation, Montpellier University, September 28th 2018, Christine Azevedo, David Andreu and Charles Fattal.

  • PhD: Ibrahim Merzoug, Validation formelle des systèmes numériques critiques : génération d'espace d'états de réseaux de Petri exécutés en synchrone, Montpellier University, January 15th 2018, David Andreu and Karen Godary.

  • PhD in progress: Antony Boyer, Neuroplasticity and recovery in remote (sub)cortical structures following wide-awake surgery of infiltrative low-grade gliomas: investigation of fMRI and EEG signals, 01/09/2016, François Bonnetblanc and Sofiane Ramdani.

  • PhD in progress: Maxence Blond, Commande et modélisation d'un véhicule sous-marin, 18/01/2016, Daniel Simon, Vincent Creuze (LIRMM) and Ahmed Chemori (LIRMM).

  • PhD in progress: Victor Vagne, "Couplage de la Spectroscopie en proche infrarouge et de la stimulation Transcrânienne (NIRS-tDCS) à courant continu dans l'Evaluation diagnostique de l'ischémie cérébrale lors d’un AVC", Oct. 2016, M. Hayashibe, D. Guiraud, Vincent Costalat (CHU Montpellier) and Emmanuelle Le Bars (CHU Montpellier)

  • PhD in progress: XinYue Lu, Respiratory detection and monitoring Since March 2017, C. Azevedo Coste, T Similowski (Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière), S Renaux (NEURORESP)

  • PhD in progress (co-financing UM / Occitanie region): Vincent Iampietro, Contribution des méthodes formelles à la fiabilité des systèmes numériques complexes critiques : application aux dispositifs médicaux implantables innovants, since october 2018, D. Andreu, D. Delahaye (LIRMM).


Christine Azevedo was reviewer for the PhD thesis of Solenne Page (ISIR, UPMC University, Paris, France) "Control of a robotized walker based on postural characterization and application to obstacle avoidance." (May 2018).

Christine Azevedo was examiner in the defense committee of Mathilde Couraud (Bordeaux University, France) "Study of the sensori-motor control in a simplified artificial context with the aim to improve the control of myoelectric prostheses." (December 2018).

Christine Azevedo was examiner in the defense committee of Firas Kaddachi (Montpellier University, France) "Technological approach of early and non intrusive of health modification to better adapt services to elderly persons." (December 2018).

David Andreu was reviewer of the PhD thesis of T. Sotiropoulos (LAAS, Univ. Toulouse 3, France), "Test aléatoire de la navigation de robots dans des mondes virtuels." (May 2018).