Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

General Chair, Scientific Chair

Christine Azevedo organized a special session "Application of FES for lower limbs movement assistance" at ICNR conference (Pisa, Italy) on October 2018.

Member of the Conference Program Committees

  • David Guiraud was Co-editor of the theme 6 at IEEE EMBC conference

  • Daniel Simon is member of the ICINCO conference program committee

  • David Andreu was member of the ERTS2 conference program committee


  • Christine Azevedo was reviewer for IEEE EMBC, IROS, ICNR conferences

  • David Guiraud was reviewer for IEEE EMBC and IEEE NER

  • François Bonnetblanc was reviewer for IEEE EMBC

  • Daniel Simon was reviewer for the IFAC CAMS, IFAC ICINCO, ECC and IEEE CCTA conferences

  • David Andreu was reviewer for the ERTS2 conference

Member of the Editorial Boards

  • Christine Azevedo is member if ERCIM News’ Editorial Board as Inria representant.

  • David Guiraud is Associate Editor of Journal of Neural Engineering and Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

  • David Guiraud is reviewer of several journals among which IEEE TNSRE, IEEE ACCESS, IEEE TCST, JNE, J. Of Neuroscience Method, Computer in Biology and Medicine, Science Advances (AAAS)...

  • Daniel Simon was reviewer for IEEE Control Systems Technology and Real Time Systems.

  • David Andreu was reviewer for Journal of Neural Engineering.

Invited Talks

François Bonnetblanc: University of British Columbia and Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies. “Awake Brain Surgery: the naked brain”, 4 octobre 2018.

François Bonnetblanc : Karolinska Institute (Programme TOR). Neurosurgery Department, “Awake Neurosurgery and electrophysiology”). 5-9 novembre 2018.

Christine Azevedo was invited to give a lecture at Inria Rennes center "Pédalage assisté par stimulation électrique de muscles paralysés.".

Leadership within the Scientific Community

Christine Azevedo is member of the board of directors of International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society (IFESS).

Scientific Expertise

David Guiraud was reviewer for the ERC program (Starting and Advanced) in 2018

Christine Azevedo was examiner for APHP Delegation Clinical research and Innovation call for proposals for detached positions.

Research Administration

Christine Azevedo is member of Inria Evaluation Committee (CE). She participated in the competitive examinations for junior researcher recruitment in Inria Lille Center (April 2018) and Inria Grenoble Center (May 2018). She was also in the examination committee of CHRC and DR0 promotions as well as detachments.

Christine Azevedo is member of Inria Ethical Committee (COERLE).