Section: New Results
PNets: Parametrized networks of automata
Participant : Ludovic Henrio.
pNets (parameterised networks of synchronised automata) are semantic objects for defining the semantics of composition operators and parallel systems. We have used pNets for the behavioral specification and verification of distributed components, and proved that open pNets (i.e. pNets with holes) were a good formalism to reason on operators and parameterized systems. This year, we have the following new results:
A weak bisimulation theory for open pNets is under development (a strong isimulation had already been defined in the past) and its properties are being proven, especially in terms of compositionality. This work is realized with Eric Madelaine (Inria Sophia-Antipolis) and Rabéa Ameur Boulifa (Telecom ParisTech).
A translation from BIP model to open pNets is being formalized and encoded, this work is done in collaboration with Simon Bliudze (Inria Lille).
These works are under progress and should be continued in 2019.