Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
C. laugier was Program Co-Chair of IEEE/RSJ IROS 2018. He also co-organized in the scope of IROS 2018, three interconnected events on Autonomous vehicles: a Workshop having attracted more than 360 people (see :; an Industrial Forum involving international companies(e.g. Renault, Nvidia, Baidu, EasyMile, Ambarella, etc) and having attracted about 80 people; an Autonomous Vehicles Demonstration which involved 5 international teams (including Chroma team with our Autonomous Renault Zoe car) (see
C. Laugier has been appointed as General co-Chair for IEEE/RSJ IROS 2019 (Makau).
O. Simonin was general co-chair of PDIA 2018 "Perspective et Defis de l'IA" with Y. Demazeau (CNRS), organized in Paris Descartes, by AFIA, on October 11. The 2018 topic was "Véhicule Autonome et Intelligence Artificielle" (
80 people). -
O. Simonin is Chair of JFSMA (Journées Francophone sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents 2019 to be organized at the PFIA national platform, in Toulouse, July 2019.
O. Simonin is co-chair with F. Chaprillet (Inria Larsen) of the National Conference on Robotics (JNRR), to be organized at Vittel, on October 2019.
Member of the Organizing Committees
C. Laugier co-organized with F. Nashashibi (Inria), Ph. Martinet (Inria) and D. Wang (NTU Singapore) two special sessions on Mobile Robotics and Deep Learning at IEEE ICARCV 2018 (Singapore).
C. Wolf co-organized the Workshop GDR ISIS & GDR IA on Machine Learning and Reasoning for Signal and Image Processing, October 4th (
90 people). -
F. Jumel is Member of Organizing Committees of the Robocup@Home league.
F. Jumel is elected member of Technical Committees of the Robocup@Home league.
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
O. Simonin is Chair of JFSMA 2019 to be organized at the PFIA national platform, in Toulouse, July 2019.
Member of the Conference Program Committees
C. Laugier was Associate Editor for IEEE ICRA 2018 (Brisbane) and for IEEE ICRA 2019 (Monreal). He was also member of the Senior Program Committee of IEEE/RSJ IROS 2018 (Madrid).
Jilles S. Dibangoye served, in quality of program committee member, for the following conferences: AAAI, IJCAI
O. Simonin served, in quality of program committee member, for the following conferences : AAMAS (Autonomous Agent and Multi-agent Systems International Conference) Track Robotics, ICAPS (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling) Track Robotics.
O. Simonin is Program Committee member of the JFSMA conference since 2008 (Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents).
C. Wolf served, in quality of program committee member, for the following conferences: IJCAI, BMVC, CVPR 2018 Workshop on Human Pose, Motion, Activities and Shape in 3D, ECCV 2018 Workshop on Hands in Action.
Agostino Martinelli served, in quality of reviewer, for following conferences: ICRA, IROS.
Jilles S. Dibangoye served, in quality of reviewer, for the following conferences: AAAI, IJCAI, ICRA.
Olivier Simonin served, in quality of reviewer, for the following conferences: IROS, ICAPS, ACC.
Anne Spalanzani served, in quality of reviewer, for the following conferences: IROS, RO-MAN.
C. Wolf served, in quality of reviewer, for the following conferences: CVPR, NIPS, ICLR, ICML, IJCAI, BMVC.
Member of the Editorial Boards
C. Laugier is Member of the Steering Committee of the journal IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Vehicles.
C. Laugier is member of the Editorial Board of the journal IEEE ROBOMECH.
O. Simonin is a member of the editorial board of RIA Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
C. Laugier is Senior Editor of the journal IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Vehicles.
A. Martinelli served, in quality of reviewer, for the following journals: Transaction on Robotics, Transaction on Automatic Control, Robotics and Automation Letters.
Jilles S. Dibangoye served, in quality of reviewer, for the following journals: Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Journal
O. Simonin served, in quality of reviewer, for the following journals : Autonomous Robots (AURO) and RIA (Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle).
Anne Spalanzani served, in quality of reviewer, for the International Journal Robotica.
Invited Talks
O. Simonin was invited for two talks at "Institut d'Automne en IA (IA
) : Robotics" (GDR IA), on Ocotber 15th-19th, Toulouse. -
O. Simonin gave an invited talk at the "Journée sur les Systèmes Hors Equilibres" ENS Lyon, November 27 : "Coordination d'essaims de robots, vers des systèmes auto-organisés".
C. Laugier gave an invited tutorial at “Institut d'Automne en IA (IA
)”, GDR IA, Toulouse, October 15-19 2018.Title: Autonomous Vehicles Technologies for Perception and Decision-making. -
C. Laugier gave an invited keynote talk at the ECCV 2018 Workshop on “Vision-based Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles”, Munich, September 2018.Title: Dynamic Traffic Scene Understanding using Bayesian Sensor Fusion and Motion Prediction.
C. Laugier gave an invited talk at Vedecom SMIV (Smart Mobility and Intelligent Vehicles) 2018 conference, Versailles, November 2018.Title: Dynamic Traffic Scene Understanding: Analysis, Prediction and Collision Risk Assessment.
C. Laugier gave an invited plenary talk at RWIA (International conference on Robotics Welding, Intelligence and Automation) 2018 conference, Guangzhou, December 7-10 2018.Title: Dynamic Scene Understanding and Upcoming Collision Prediction to Improve Autonomous Driving Safety: A Bayesian Approach.
A. Spalanzani gave a talk at the "Journée Véhicule autonome et intelligence artificielle" organized by AFIA, Paris Descartes, October 11.
C. Wolf gave an invited tutorial talk at the national "CORESA" conference, Poitiers, France, on November 12th.
C. Wolf gave an invited talk at the Strasbourg doctoral school on mathematics, computer science and engineering, Strasbourg, France, on September 21st.
C. Wolf gave an invited talk at the CVPR 2018 Workshop on "HUMAN 3D: HUman pose, Motion, Activities aNd Shape in 3D", Salt Lake City, USA, June 18th.
C. Wolf gave an invited talk at the Heudiasyc Laboratory, Compiegne, France, June 5th.
C. Wolf gave an Invited talk at Inria Stars, Nice, France, May 30th.
C. Wolf gave an invited talk at the LABRI Laboratory, Bordeaux, France, March 5th.
C. Wolf gave an invited talk at Inria THOTH, Grenoble, France, February 23rd.
J.S. Dibangoye was an invited talk at "a NeurIPS-18 international workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning in partially observable domains" (NeurIPS-18), on December, Montreal, Canada.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
A. Spalanzani served, in quality of Vice President, for the 2018 ANR project selection in Interaction and Robotics.
C. Laugier is co-chair with Philippe Martinet and Christoph Stiller, of the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on “Autonomous Ground Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation Systems (AGVITS)’’.
C. Laugier is member of the Committee "safety of autonomous vehicles" (committee leaded by ARDI in the scope of the Innovation Regional Strategy).
C. Laugier is member of the Scientific Committee of the French GDR Robotique.
C. Laugier is member of several International Award Committee. In 2018, he was Chair of the Best Paper Award Committee of IEEE/RSJ IROS 2018 and Member of several IROS 2018 award committees (Fellow Award, Harashima Award for Innovative Technologies, Distinguished Service Award and Young Professional Award). In 2018, he was also a member of the Best Paper Award Committee of IEEE ICARCV 2018 and Member of the IEEE Chapter Award Committee.
O. Simonin is an elected member of the Board of AFIA, the French Association for Artificial Intelligence.
C. Wolf is part of the Comité de direction of the GDR ISIS "Information, Signal, Image et ViSion" and co-leads its theme "Machine Learning" (together with N. Thome, CNAM)
C. Wolf is part of the Comité scientifique of the GDR IA "Aspects Formels et Algorithmiques de l'Intelligence Artificielle"
C. Wolf co-leads the theme "Machine Learning and Robotics" of the GDR Robotique (together with D. Filiat, ENSTA)
Scientific Expertise
C. Laugier is member of the Advisory Board of ISR University of Coimbra.
C. Laugier is Scientific Advisor for the ProbaYes SA and for Baidu.
O. Simonin served, in quality of reviewer, for ANR project submissions.
J. Dibangoye served, in quality of reviewer, for ANR project submissions.
C. Wolf was part of the ANR Committee CES 33 "Interaction and Robotics"
Research Administration
C. Laugier is a member of several Ministerial and Regional French Committees on Robotics and Autonomous Cars.
O. Simonin is an elected member of the AFIA Council (Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle)
O. Simonin is member of the Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes Robotics cluster (Coboteam), for Inria and INSA de Lyon entities.
O. Simonin is member of the Scientific Council of the Digital League (Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes).
F. Jumel is member of the International RoboCup competition (as Chief Referee for the RoboCup@Home league)
F. Jumel is member of the board of IMAGINOVE cluster (digital content industry)
F. Jumel is member of the Rhone-Alpes Robotics cluster (Coboteam)