Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry


We have a cooperation with Orange labs, around a CIFRE PhD grant, on the topic of autonomic device management (see Section This activity is part of the Inria/Orange joint laboratory.

Nokia / Bell labs

We are starting a research action with Nokia / Bell labs, around a post-doctorate, co-advised with project-team Dyonisos at Inria Rennes, on the topic of the integration of FPGA-based accelerators in network nodes, and their reconfiguration management in coordination with higher level Software Defined Networks management. This activity is part of the Inria/ Nokia / Bell labs joint laboratory, and is in cooperation with the Dyonisos EPI at Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique (Yassine Hadjhadj), and the post-doctorate topic of Quang Pham Tran Anh.