Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

We participate in the jLESC, Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing, with partners Inria, the University of Illinois, Argonne National Laboratory, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Jülich Supercomputing Centre and RIKEN AICS.

We participated to the 7th Workshop of the JLESC at Urbana-Champain in July 2017.

We started a cooperation with Argonne National Labs, on Improving the performance and energy efficiency of HPC applications using autonomic computing techniques.


We are also exploring possibilities on the topic of integrating FPGAs in HPC grids, with a participation in a workshop at FPT 18.


Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

We have ongoing relations with international colleagues in the emerging community on our topic of control for computing e.g., in Sweden at Lund (K.E. Arzen, M. Maggio), Mälardalen (A. Papadopoulos) and Linnaeus Universities (D. Weyns, N. Khakpour), in the Netherlands at CWI/leiden University (F. Arbab), in the U.K. at Liverpool U. (N. Berthier), in China at Heifei University (Xin An), in Italy at University Milano (C. Ghezzi, A. Leva), in the USA at Ann Arbor University (S. Lafortune) and UMass (P. Shenoy, E. Cecchet).