Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
B. Błaszczyszyn was in the Organizing Commitee of Stochastic Geometry Days 2018 14–18 mai 2018 Paris (France);
A. Busic was in the Organizing Commitee of ALEA Days 2018 12–16 March 2018 at CIRM, Luminy (France);
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Editorial Boards
M. Lelarge: IEEE’s Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Bernoulli Journal, Queueing Systems.
Invited Talks
European Conference on Queueing Theory (ECQT) 2018, Jerusalem, July 2018.
Rencontres de Probabilités de Rouen 2018, September 2018, invited talk.
Societal Networks, RTDM program, Simons Institute, UC Berkeley, USA, March 2018, invited talk; video:
Advances in Modelling and Control for Power Systems of the Future (CAESARS 2018), EDF Palaiseau, September 2018, invited talk.