Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: B. Blaszczyszyn (Cours) Théorie de l'information et du codage 24 heqTD, L3, ENS, France.
Licence: A. Busic (Cours) and S. Samain (TD) Structures et algorithmes aléatoires 60heqTD, L3, ENS, France.
Master: B. Blaszczyszyn (Cours) Processus ponctuels, graphes aléatoires et géeométrie stochastique 39heqTD, M2 Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires, UPMC, France
Master: A. Busic (Cours) and L. Stephan (TD) Modéles et algorithmes de réseaux 60heqTD, M1, ENS, France.
Master: A. Busic (Cours) Fondements de la modélisation des réseaux 18 heqTD, M2 MPRI, France.
Master: M. Lelarge (Cours) Deep Learning Do it Yourself, M1, ENS
Doctorat: A. Busic (Cours) Markov chains and exact sampling, 7heqTD, Ecole thématique CNRS, MathExp 2018 "Mathématiques expérimentales: méthodes et pratiques", 21 mai-1 juin 2018, Saint Flour, France.
PhD: Dalia-Georgiana Herculea “Les Hyperfractales pour la Modelisation des Reseaux sans Fil” since October 2016, defence 21 November 2018; PhD CIFRE co-advised by B. Błaszczyszyn, and Ph. Jacquet.
PhD: Alexandre Hollocou, defense December 19 2018, Nouvelles approches pour le partitionnement de graphes, co-advised by M. Lelarge and T. Bonald (Telecom ParisTech)
PhD in progress: Léo Miolane, since 2016, High dimensional statistics, advised by M. Lelarge
PhD in progress: Alexis Galland, since 2017, Deep Learning on Graphs, advised by M. Lelarge
PhD in progress: Quentin Le Gall “Crowd networking : modélisation de la connectivité D2D” since October 2017; PhD CIFRE co-advised by B. Błaszczyszyn and E. Cali (Orange).
PhD in progress: Antoine Brochard “Signal processing for point processes and statistical learning for telecommunications”, since September 2018; PhD CIFRE co-advised by B. Błaszczyszyn and Georgios Paschos (Huawei).
PhD in progress: Md Umar Hashmi, Decentralized control for renewable integration in smartgrids, since from December 2015, advised by A. Busic.
PhD in progress: Sébastien Samain, Monte Carlo methods for performance evaluation and reinforcement learning, since November 2016, advised by A. Busic.
PhD in progress: Arnaud Cadas, Dynamic matching models, since October 2017, supervised by A. Busic.