Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • L2/L3: network computing (lectures, tutorials, labs), 250 hours, F. Weis, Univ. Rennes 1

  • Master 2: Wireless LANs, F. Weis, 30 hours, M2, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2: Pervasive computing and IoT system architectures, 4 hours+48 hours including project supervision, P. Couderc, Univ. Rennes 1

  • Master 1: Network programming (lectures, tutorial, labs), 78 hours, Y. Maurel, Univ. Rennes 1

  • L3/M2: network communications protocol for building automation (lectures, labs), 80 hours, Y. Maurel

  • Master 2: Software engineering (lectures, tutorial, labs), 82 hours, Y. Maurel

  • Master 2 : Mobility management in the Internet, JM. Bonnin, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2 Smart Mobility : Communications for ITS, JM. Bonnin, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2 IoT: Smart City, JM. Bonnin, ENSI Tunis

  • Continuous training: Communications for Autonomous and Cooperative vehicle, Communications for ITS, JM. Bonnin, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 1: Network programming (lab and project), 72 hours, C. Couturier, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 1: IP networks (lectures, tutorial), 24 hours, C. Couturier, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2: Enterprise Network Design, 12 hours, C. Couturier, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2: Bid to Call for Tender, 12 hours, C. Couturier, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2: Supervision of the Networking and Telecom curriculum of FIP3A, C. Couturier, IMT Atlantique

  • Master 2: Tools for cloud computing , 18 hours, C. Couturier, IMT Atlantique


  • PhD: Zaineb Lioune, "Une Architecture pour des Services e-Santé évolutifs dans le cadre des Maisons Intelligentes", Frédéric Weis, Tayeb Lemlouna (UR1) and Philippe Roose (University of Pau), Defended on June 30, 2018

  • PhD: Steve Muller, "Risk Monitoring and Intrusion Detection for Industrial Control Systems", Jean-Marie Bonnin, co-supervision with Y. Le Traon at University of Luxembourg, defneded on March 26, 2018

  • PhD: Saad El Jaouhari, "A secure design of WoT services for Smart Cities", Jean-Marie Bonnin, co-supervision with IRISA OCIF group, defended on Dec. 13, 2018

  • PhD in progress: Indra Ngurah, Car-based Data Collection for Low Energy Devices (Car-based DC4LED), May 2016, Jean-Marie Bonnin

  • PhD in progress: Christophe Couturier, "Frugal networking for cooperative autonomy", Nov. 2016, Jean-Marie Bonnin

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Rio, "Modélisation des activités de site consommateur d'énergie", Octobre 2016, Olivier Barais (UR1) and Yoann Maurel

  • PhD in progress: Rodrigo Silva, "Mécanisme de décision multi-critères pour le placement de flux en environnement hétérogène et changeant", Nov. 2015, Jean-Marie Bonnin

  • PhD in progress: Nejm Frigui, "Maintenance autonomique du réseau programmable d'accès optiques de très haut débit", Jan. 2016, Jean-Marie Bonnin


  • PhD: Rania Ben Hadj, "Gestion des conflits dans une plateforme ubiquitaire orientée services", Univ. Grenoble, F. Weis, referee, April 2018

  • PhD: Rania Ben Hadj, "Gestion des conflits dans une plateforme ubiquitaire orientée services", Univ. Grenoble, Y. Maurel, examiner, April 2018

  • PhD: Mouna Gassara, "Proactive Security in new Generations of Wireless Networks", National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia, Jean-Marie Bonnin, referee, Nov. 2018

  • PhD: Mourad Lesious, "Highlight and Execute Suspicious Paths in Android Malware", IMT Atlantique, examiner, Dec. 2018

  • HDR: Emmanuel Bertin, "La transformation numérique des télécoms : synthèse et perspectives", Université Paris-Sorbonne, referee, Feb. 2019

  • HDR: Sonia Mettali Gammar, "Approches pour le routage dans les réseaux 802.11 et les réseaux orientés contenus", referee, Dec. 2018