Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Mobile Networks and Applications, IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Computer Standards & Interfaces, an international journal on Engineering Science and Technology, JM. Bonnin
Invited Talks
Invited talk at Mairie de Paris (June 2018): "Open Environment: Coopération par interactions locales", C. Couturier
Invited talk at Inria/INRA Workshop (Feb. 2018), "Environnements auto descriptifs : une approche alternative pour l'IoT", P. Couderc
Invited in a round table at IoT World (March 22, Paris) : "Voitures connectées : quels défis technologiques pour la mobilité urbaine?", JM. Bonnin
Invited talk at IoT Tunisia workshop (April 26, Tunis), JM. Bonnin
Keynote Speech at IoT Tunisia forum (April 27, Tunis): "L'IoT au service de la mobilité", JM. Bonnin
Invited at a round table (May 24, Rennes) in the "Cybersécurité des Véhicules Autonomes et Connectés" workshop organized by Id4Car, JM. Bonnin
Invited talk at summer school "Cooperative Interacting Vehicles" (September 2018, Loire Valley, France) : "Communication for cooperation", JM. Bonnin
Invited talk at Automotive 2018 (October 18, Versailles), JM. Bonnin
Invited lecture at Department of Electrical Engineering and Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Udayana University (October 24, Bali) : "Autonomous Vehicle in the Smart City Ecosystem", JM. Bonnin
Keynote speech at ICSGTEIS'2018 (October 25, Bali) : "Smart City: A Digital Mobility (R) Evolution", JM. Bonnin
Scientific Expertise
Member of the scientific council the Id4Car cluster, JM. Bonnin
Co-head of "the pole Digital Society of the MSHB" (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Bretagne), JM. Bonnin
Project evaluation for ANR, Belgium, Quebec, Id4Car, BPI, JM. Bonnin
Expert for CSV board of "Pôle Images et Réseaux", projects reviewing and selection, strategic roadmap definition, P. Couderc