Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Local Arrangement Chair, AdHoc Now 2018, F. Weis

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • PC member of AdHoc Now 2018, F. Weis

  • PC member of VTC 2018, ICIN 2018, AdHoc Now 2018, ICON 2018, JM. Bonnin


Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Mobile Networks and Applications, IEEE transactions on Mobile Computing, Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Computer Standards & Interfaces, an international journal on Engineering Science and Technology, JM. Bonnin

Invited Talks

  • Invited talk at Mairie de Paris (June 2018): "Open Environment: Coopération par interactions locales", C. Couturier

  • Invited talk at Inria/INRA Workshop (Feb. 2018), "Environnements auto descriptifs : une approche alternative pour l'IoT", P. Couderc

  • Invited in a round table at IoT World (March 22, Paris) : "Voitures connectées : quels défis technologiques pour la mobilité urbaine?", JM. Bonnin

  • Invited talk at IoT Tunisia workshop (April 26, Tunis), JM. Bonnin

  • Keynote Speech at IoT Tunisia forum (April 27, Tunis): "L'IoT au service de la mobilité", JM. Bonnin

  • Invited at a round table (May 24, Rennes) in the "Cybersécurité des Véhicules Autonomes et Connectés" workshop organized by Id4Car, JM. Bonnin

  • Invited talk at summer school "Cooperative Interacting Vehicles" (September 2018, Loire Valley, France) : "Communication for cooperation", JM. Bonnin

  • Invited talk at Automotive 2018 (October 18, Versailles), JM. Bonnin

  • Invited lecture at Department of Electrical Engineering and Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Udayana University (October 24, Bali) : "Autonomous Vehicle in the Smart City Ecosystem", JM. Bonnin

  • Keynote speech at ICSGTEIS'2018 (October 25, Bali) : "Smart City: A Digital Mobility (R) Evolution", JM. Bonnin

Scientific Expertise

  • Head of the scientific committee of InOut 2018, JM. Bonnin

  • Member of the scientific council of the GIS ITS, JM. Bonnin

  • Member of the scientific council the Id4Car cluster, JM. Bonnin

  • Scientific advisor of the YoGoKo startup, JM. Bonnin

  • Co-head of "the pole Digital Society of the MSHB" (Maison des Sciences de l'Homme de Bretagne), JM. Bonnin

  • Project evaluation for ANR, Belgium, Quebec, Id4Car, BPI, JM. Bonnin

  • Expert for CSV board of "Pôle Images et Réseaux", projects reviewing and selection, strategic roadmap definition, P. Couderc

Research Administration

  • Head of the Networks, Telecommunication and service department at IRISA, JM. Bonnin

  • Member for the IRISA Laboratory Council, JM. Bonnin

  • Member of the scientific council of ECAM (Engineering school), JM. Bonnin