Section: New Results

Medical Image Analysis

Learning a Probabilistic Model for Diffeomorphic Registration

Participants : Julian Krebs [Correspondant] , Hervé Delingette, Tommaso Mansi [Siemens Healthineers, Princeton, NJ, USA] , Nicholas Ayache.

This work is funded by Siemens Healthineers, Princeton, NJ, USA

deformable registration, probabilistic modeling, deep learning, latent variable model, deformation transport, disease clustering

We developed a probabilistic approach for deformable image registration in 3-D using deep learning methods [30]. This method includes:

  • A probabilistic formulation of the registration problem through unsupervised learning of an encoded deformation model (Fig. 4).

  • A differentiable exponentiation layer and an user-adjustable smoothness layer that ensure the outputs of neural networks to be regular and diffeomorphic.

  • An analysis of size and structure of a latent variable space for registration.

  • Experiments on deformation transport and disease clustering.

Figure 4. (Left) Probabilistic registration network including a diffeomorphic layer (exponentiation). Deformations are encoded in z from which velocities are decoded while being conditioned on the moving image. (Right) Decoder network for sampling and deformation transport: Apply z-code conditioned on any new image 𝐌.
IMG/network1.png IMG/network2.png

Learning Myelin Content in Multiple Sclerosis from Multimodal MRI

Participants : Wen Wei [Correspondent] , Nicholas Ayache, Olivier Colliot [ARAMIS] .

This work is done in collaboration with the Aramis-Project team of Inria in Paris and the researchers at the Brain and Spinal Cord Institute (ICM) located in Paris.

Multiple Sclerosis, MRI, PET, GANs

  • We predict myelin content from multiparametric MRI [36].

  • We design an adaptive loss and a sketch-refinement process for GANs, decomposing the problem into anatomy/physiology and myelin content prediction (Fig. 5).

  • We show similar results to the PET-derived gold standard.

Figure 5. The sketcher receives MR images and generates the preliminary anatomy and physiology information. The refiner receives MR images IM and the sketch IS. Then it refines and generates PET images.

Consistent and Robust Segmentation of Cardiac Images with Propagation

Participants : Qiao Zheng [Correspondant] , Hervé Delingette, Nicolas Duchateau, Nicholas Ayache.

This project is funded by European Research Council (MedYMA ERC-AdG-2011-291080).

Cardiac segmentation, deep learning, neural network, 3D consistency, spatial propagation

We propose a method based on deep learning to perform cardiac segmentation on short axis MRI image stacks iteratively from the top slice (around the base) to the bottom slice (around the apex) [26][62]. At each iteration, a novel variant of U-net is applied to propagate the segmentation of a slice to the adjacent slice below it (Fig. 6).

  • 3D-consistency is hence explicitly enforced.

  • Robustness and generalization ability to unseen cases are demonstrated.

  • Results comparable or even better than the state-of-the-art are achieved.

The corresponding open source software, CardiacSegmentationPropagation, is available in https://team.inria.fr/epione/en/software/.

Figure 6. Propagation of cardiac segmentation by a neural network.

Deep Learning for Tumor Segmentation

Participants : Pawel Mlynarski [Correspondant] , Nicholas Ayache, Hervé Delingette, Antonio Criminisi [MSR] .

This work is funded by Inria-Microsoft Joint Center and is done in cooperation with Microsoft Research in Cambridge.

deep learning, semi-supervised learning, segmentation, MRI, tumors

  • We proposed a model for tumor segmentation which is able to analyze a very large spatial context by combining 2D and 3D CNNs [56] (Fig. 7). Top-3 performance was obtained on BRATS 2017 challenge.

  • We proposed an approach to train CNNs for tumor segmentation with a mixed level of supervision [55]. Our approach significantly improves segmentation accuracy compared to standard supervised learning.

  • We designed a system for segmentation of organs at risk for protontherapy. Promising preliminary results were obtained.

Figure 7. Illustration of our 2D-3D model for brain tumor segmentation.