Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
JOBIM 2018: French symposium of Bioinformatics [P. Peterlongo]
2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine [D. Lavenier]
9th International Workshop on Biological Knowledge Discovery from Big Data [D. Lavenier]
International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering [D. Lavenier]
11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BICOB-2019) [R. Andonov]
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Invited Talks
C. Marchet, A highly scalable data structure for read similarity computation and its application to marine holobionts, EEB group meeting, Brussels (Belgium), July 8th 2018
C. Marchet, CARNAC-LR: clustering genes expressed variants from long read RNA sequencing, team TIBS seminar, Rouen (France), February 27 2018
P. Peterlongo, DiscoSnp++, de novo Variant predictions, Tara Oceans Polar Circle Consortium, Paris (France), January 2018
P. Peterlongo, Extract information from short metagenomic reads, Workshop GDR GE Rennes, 4e colloque Génomique environnementale, October 2018.
D. Lavenier, GenScale and its life science interactions, bioinformatics workshop, IFREMER, June 2018
Leadership within the Scientific Community
P. Peterlongo. member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the GDR BIM (National Research Group in Biology, Informatic and Mathematic)
C. Lemaitre. Animator of the Sequence Algorithms axis (seqBIM GT) of the GDR BIM (National Research Group in Biology, Informatics and Mathematics)
F. Legeai. Animator of the INRA Center for Computerized Information Treatment "BBRIC".
Scientific Expertise
Expert for the MEI (International Expertise Mission), French Research Ministry [D. Lavenier]
Member of the Scientific Council of BioGenOuest [D. Lavenier]
Member of the Scientific Council of the Computational Biology Institute of Montpellier [D. Lavenier]
Member of the Scientific Council of Agrocampus Ouest (Institute for life, food and horticultural sciences and landscaping) [J. Nicolas]
Chapter "Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics" to appear in 2019 in the 3-volume book "A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research”, H. Prade, P. Marquis and O. Papini eds, Elsevier. [35]
Research Administration
Corresponding member of COERLE (Inria Operational Committee for the assesment of Legal and Ethical risks) [J. Nicolas]
Member of the steering committee of the INRA BIPAA Platform (BioInformatics Platform for Agro-ecosystems Arthropods) [D. Lavenier]
Member of the steering committee of The GenOuest Platform (Bioinformatics Resource Center BioGenOuest) [D. Lavenier]
Scientific Advisor of The GenOuest Platform (Bioinformatics Resource Center BioGenOuest) [J. Nicolas]
Representative of the environnemental axis of UMR IRISA [C. Lemaitre]
Organisation of the weekly seminar "Symbiose" [P. Peterlongo]
In charge of the bachelor's degree in the computer science department of University of Rennes 1 (90 students) [R. Andonov]
Member of the Council of Administration of ISTIC [R. Andonov]
Representative of non-permanent members in the Inria Rennes center commitee [S. Letort]