Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

This is a transition year where the team has been actively involved in starting new projects with new PhD students along new research directions, which will be further emphasized in the future team ANIMA, due to start after the termination of the IMAGINE team in July 2019.

Figure 1. Filming rehearsals of jean-Francois Peyret's La fabrique des monstres, Théâtre de Vidy, Lausanne, January 2018.

We are now actively involved in the Performance Lab, a joint cross-disciplinary research program of IDEX Univ. Grenoble Alpes. In this new project started in January 2018 for three years, we will investigate "digital dramaturgies" mixing real-time computer graphics, augmented and virtual reality with live performances. We will also continue to develop our Kino Ai video capture, analysis and editing system.

As a follow-up to ADT ULTRAHD, we recorded three weeks of rehearsals from the play "La fabrique des monstres", a theatre adaptation of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by Jean-Francois Peyret (Fig. 1). Our Kino Ai system was used to automatically generate six hours of cinematographic rushes from those recordings. Those rushes were edited by professional film editors into three short documentaries and published online (see episode 1, episode 2 and episode 3 to watch the full movies).


In December 2018, PhD laureate Guillaume Cordonnier was awarded the prestigious ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship and will join the Computer Graphics Lab’s simulation group in 2019.


As part of Youna Le Vaou's CIFRE PhD thesis with PSA, we filed a joint patent application:

Y La Vaou, S Masfrand, M Mika, S Hahmann, J-C Léon: Procédé de modification de la forme d’un objet virtuel tridimensionnel représenté dans un espace immersif et système immersif mettant en œuvre ledit procédé, December 2018.

This new result will also be submitted for publication at an international conference in 2019.