Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Emmanuel Baccelli, “IoT & Security”, summer semester seminar, Freie Universitaet Berlin.
Master : Emmanuel Baccelli, “IoT & Security”, winter semester seminar, Freie Universitaet Berlin.
Master : Emmanuel Baccelli, “Operating Systems for Small Connected Devices in the Internet of Things”, 3h cours magistral, Formation PESTO Corps des Mines, Telecom ParisTech, Paris France
Engineering School: Cédric Adjih, “Internet of Thing”, 3h pratical courses, Telecom SudParis
Engineering School: Cédric Adjih, “Internet of Thing”, 6h practical courses, ENSEA
Lectures to under-graduation, masters and PhD students at foreign Universities: “Complete trajectory reconstruction from sparse mobile phone data”, 1h, Nov. 2018, LNCC, Petrópolis, Brazil
Short-courses at conference: “Humans in the communication loop: enablers of next generation networks”, 4h, May 2017, SBRC 2018 conference, Brazil
PHD Guangshuo Chen has defended his PhD in April 2018. Thesis title: Human Habits Investigation: from Mobility Reconstruction to Mobile Traffic Prediction. Ecole Polytechnique/ ED STIC Univ. Paris Saclay. Advisor: Aline C. Viana
Roni Shigueta has defended his PhD in July 2018. Thesis title: Channel resource allocation of wireless interfaces of mobile devices.Co-tutelle: PUC-PR and Ecole Polytechnique/ ED STIC Univ. Paris Saclay. Advisors: Aline C. Viana and Mauro Fonseca (UTFPR, Brazil)
PhD in progress: Licia Amichi, “Modelling explo- ration factor of human beings”, since Sep. 2018.
PhD in progress: Lucas Santos, “Investigating causalities in habits of human visits”, since May 2018.
PhD in progress: Douglas Teixeira, “Context-enhanced human predictability in short-term datasets with high spatial resolution”, since April 2018.
PhD in progress: Joao B. Borges, “Revealing motifs in human mobility”, since Nov. 2018.
PhD in progress: Rafael Costa, “Human-enhanced forward- ing strategies for Device-to-Device (D2D) communication”, since Sep 2017.
Reviewer for PhD thesis committee:Aline Viana was reviewer for the following PhDs: H. Chelle (INP/Univ. de Toulouse, Dec. 2018); Y. Zhou (CentraleSupélec, Jui.2018); F. Coriat (UPMC, Dec. 2018);
Examiner for PhD thesis committee:Aline Viana was examiner for the committees of the following PhDs: A. Boubrima (INSA-Lyon/AGORA, Feb. 2019); L. Pajević (KTH, Nov. 2018);
Mid-term Examiner PhD thesis committee:Emmanuel Baccelli was mid-term reviewer for the PhD of Benjamin Beurdouche (Inria, June 2018). Aline Viana was mid-term examiner for the following PhDs: M. Sardara (Cisco/TPT, Jun. 2018); M. Charfi and I. D. Adamou (CentraleSupélec, Jun. 2018); C. Bertier (Thales/UPMC, Avr. 2018);