Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Aline C. Viana is Publicity co-Chair of: IEEE PICom 2018; IEEE MiSeNet 2018 (jointly with IEEE Infocom 2018); DCOSS 2018; DCOSS 2019; CoUrb 2019 (jointly with DCOSS 2019).
Aline C. Viana is Stutend Travel Grant co-chair of IEEE Infocom 2019.
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Member of the Editorial Boards
Aline C. Viana is an Editorial Board member of Urban Computing Spring book series (, since Feb. 2018; an Associate Editor of ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (ACM CCR), since May 2014; an Editorial Board member of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Open Access Journal of John Wiley&Sons and Hindawi since 2016.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
in 2018, Emmanuel Baccelli reviewed for ACM Transactions on IoT, ACM ICN, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Journal on Internet of Things, JSAC, PEMWN.
Aline C. Viana reviewed papers for ACM SIGCOMM CCR Journal, elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal and Computer Communication Elsevier Journal, IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management, on IEEE Internet Computing.
Emmanuel Baccelli and Cedric Adjih have participated at several working groups at IETF during 2018.
Emmanuel Baccelli and Cedric Adjih have participated at several IETF hackathons during 2018.
Invited Talks
in 2018, Emmanuel Baccelli gave invited talks as EPO in Berlin, at Paris Open Source Summit, at the 2018 French-Japanese Workshop on Cybersecurity in Tokyo, and at OSIS 2018 in Paris.
in 2018, Cedric Adjih presented FIT IoT-LAB at the IoT Tunisia Forum 2018, described ICN IoT challenges at IoT Tunisia Workshop 2018, and in december, at a scientific seminar in University Paris 13.
Aline C. Viana was invited to give a talk at (1) LNCC, Petrópolis, Brazil, workshop on Urban Computing and Society in November 2018; (2) Univ. de la Rochelle, workshop CoFaBras 2018 in October 2018
Aline C. Viana was the keynote speaker of the CoUrb 2018 Workshop jointly organized with SBRC 2018, Brazil in May 2018. She will be a keynote at the GDR RSD Winter School in February 2019.
Research Administration
Aline C. Viana is the President of the Scientific Commission at Inria Saclay, responsible for the selection of candidates for the CORDI-S, Post-Doc and Delegation campaigns.
Aline C. Viana is the international coordinator of the EMBRACE associated team of Inria.
Together with the members of the team, Aline C. Viana has submitted the short proposal of the new team as well as has presented it at the BCEP and CEP. The long versio of the team proposal will be sent by next week.