Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs

  • Title: Leveraging Human Behavior and Uncertainty in 5G Networks to Build Robust Resource Allocation and Services Orchestration Models

  • International Partners (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • UTFPR (Brazil) - Departamento Acadêmico de Informática (DAINF) Curso de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica e Informática Industrial (CPGEI) - Anelise Munaretto

    • UFG (Brazil) - Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific / Engineering Computing - Kleber Vieira Cardoso

    • UFMG (Brazil) - Dpt of Statistics - Antonio A. F. Loureiro

  • Start year: 2017

  • See also: https://team.inria.fr/embrace/

  • Abstract: EMBRACE propose une architecture novatrice pour gérer des ressources et des services opérationnels hétérogènes. EMBRACE se concentre sur les défis scientifiques liés des ensembles de données collectées dans le monde réel et décrivant le comportement du réseau des utilisateurs. En particulier, EMBRACE exploite la modélisation du comportement humain en termes de mobilité, de demande de contenu, d’intérêts communs et des interactions entre-utisateurs. En construisant des modèles d'allocation |es ressources tenant compte de l'utilisateur, EMBRACE a pour objectif de diminuer l'incertitude et mieux cerner les profils humains dans les réseaux 5G. La communication D2D sera également utilisée comme service opérationnel pour gérer la croissance du trafic mobile en libérant des ressources des réseaux cellulaires, sans augmenter les coûts. La nouveauté de l’architecture réside dans les algorithmes conçus qui exploiteront les caractérisations tirés de l'analyse du comportement des utilisateurs, l'hétérogénéité du réseau, et de l'incertitude. L'évaluation par simulation et l'émulation sera également l'un des thèmes clés. Enfin, les équipes concernées (Inria Infine, UFMG, UFG, UTFPR) ont un long historique de coopération sur ces thèmes.

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  1. Renewed IOTPUSH collaboration with Freie Universitaet Berlin around the long-term stay of Emmanuel Baccelli in Berlin, on research topics about the Internet of Things, RIOT and Information-Centric Networking.

Informal International Partners
  1. On-going collaboration with Freie Universitaet Berlin and Hamburg University of Applied Science around RIOT.

  2. Informal collaborations with UIUC and UMass.

  3. Informal collaborations with ENSI Tunis and Sesame Tunis.

  4. On-going strong collaboration with Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

  5. On-going strong collaboration with CNR Torino, Italy.

  6. On-going collaboration with University of Porto, Portugal.

  7. On-going collaboration with ENSAE/CNRS, France.

  8. On-going collaboration with University of Edinburgh, UK.

  9. On-going collaboration with Boston University, US.

Participation in Other International Programs

Indo-French project

The Inria teams Infine and Eva are part of the "D2D Communication for LTE Advanced Cellular Network" , a project funded by the Indo-French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research (CEFIPRA). With industrial partners, and also with Indian partners, this project is focusing on the evolution of cellular networks towards 5G: this includes exploration of device-to-device (D2D) communication, and more generally IoT communication in a cellular context. Research directions include efficient access for IoT devices (massive numbers of devices with low volume communication); combination of random access protocols/error coding/physical layer ; efficient neighbor discovery, ....

STIC AmSud MOTIf 2017

Participant : Aline Carneiro Viana.

  • Program: STIC AmSud

  • Project title: Mobile phone sensing of human dynamics in techno-social environment

  • Duration: 2017-2019

  • Coordinators: Marton Karsai (ENS/Inria) and Jussara M. Almeida (UFMG) and Alejo Salles (Univ. of Buenos Aires)

  • Abstract: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming increasingly social, as demonstrated by the multitude of emerging technologies and technology platforms that facilitate social interactions, taking place as communication via telephone, text message, email, online social networks etc. At the same time, our social activities are increasingly embedded in the ICT environments that enable and enhance our ability to transact, share experiences, and maintain social relationships. One of the best ways to explore these developments is through the mining and analysis of data, which are collected through mobile phones and allow us to investigate how individuals act when embedded in a technology-enabled environment. The MOTIf project builds on the analysis and modeling of geo-localized temporally detailed but fully anonymised mobile phone call networks. These datasets allow us to address the two scientific objectives about spatiotemporal patterns of service usage of anonymised individuals to learn when, where, and what people are doing; and about the fine-grained sociodemographic structure of society and its effect on the the individual social behaviour. In other words our goal in general is to understand how individuals behave in a dynamic techno-social environment.