Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Prof. Antonio F. Loureiro is a Visiting Researcher at Infine for 3 months, under the DigiCosme Visiting Professor funding. He worked with Aline C. Viana and the internship Joao Batista Borges on the inference of motifs from daily human mobility. He is also the Brazilian coordinator of the EMBRACE Inria associate team. He will give a series of lectures on “What can a mobility trace tell us?”.
Joao Batista Borges visited us for 2 weeks on October 2018 and will return on January 2019. The visits enter in the context of EMBRACE associated team. He work with Aline C. Viana and Antonio Loureiro on the extraction of motifs of mobility patterns of individuals that, when merged together, describe their daily motion and can be used to enhance mobility prediction.
Diego Madariaga Roman did an internship of 3 months at our team (Sep-Nov 2018). He work with Aline C. Viana, Marco Fiore and Panagiota Katsikouli on adaptive sampling frequency of human mobility.
Lucas Santos did an internship of 5 months at our team (May-Nov 2018), in the context of EMBRACE associated team. He work with Aline C. Viana and Pedro Olmo on the investigation of causalities in habits of human visits.
Visits to International Teams
Research Stays Abroad
Emmanuel Baccelli is Visiting Professor at Freie Universitaet (FU) Berlin, within the context of the formal collaboration IOTPUSH with this university on research topics about the Internet of Things, RIOT and Information-Centric Networking.