Section: Dissemination


Antoine Rousseau is member of the editorial board of Interstices and the Binaire Blog in Le Monde.

Internal or external Inria responsibilities

Antoine Rousseau is member of "Bureau du Comité des Équipes-Projet" in the research center of Sophia-Antipolis Méditerranée.


Antoine Rousseau has given lectures in the following events:

  • Fête de la Science (Genopolys Montpellier) and Semaine des maths (Collège Les Fontanilles, Castelnaudary)

  • FUTUR·E·S in La Villette (Paris) for a demo of Tsunamilab

  • another Tsunamilab demo for Region Occitanie (November 30th, Port Barcarrès)

  • Centre d’Alembert (Orsay-Saclay)

  • public schools of Aubais (Gard) and Castelnaudary (Aude)

Internal action

  • Antoine Rousseau  gave a talk in the Café des Sciences at Inria Rocquencourt, March 20th.

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

  • Antoine Rousseau  has contributed to the development of Tsunamilab in collaboration with Inria Chile

  • Antoine Rousseau is a co-administrator of the association Le Calendrier Mathématique