Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Undoubtedly the most important highlight is the "go" decision of Inria's Project Committee for the creation of the LEMON team. This decision was made at the end of 2018 and the team will officilly exist as "Equipe Projet" as of 2019.

  • 3 new members joined the team in 2018: Fatima Palacios Rodrigouez (funding source: Inria) started a PostDoc as of November 2018. Joao Guilherme Caldas Steinstraesser (funding source: Inria) and Joseph Luis Kahn Casapia (funding sources: ANR/Inria) started their PhD in October and November this year.

  • The publication of the depth-dependent porosity model [4] is the result of a three year, joint research effort carried out by the team. With Vincent Guinot , Carole Delenne and Antoine Rousseau from LEMON and Olivier Boutron from Tour du Valat as co-authors, this publication is emblematic of the team's activities in the field of porosity model development.