Section: Application Domains

Marine and coastal systems

LEMON will consider interactions between various processes (and the corresponding models) in coastal oceanography. Our guideline is the design and implementation of accurate numerical methods to simulate physical and/or ecological processes involving various time and space scales:

  • modelling of waves in several regimes of the coastal area (shoaling, breaking, running, etc.) implies the implementation of numerical models involving various physical regimes (2D, 3D, hydrostatic, dispersive, etc.) which cannot be studied independently (in particular in the framework of marine energies). Each of the corresponding models has its own specificity, requirements and experts. Hence the difficulty to build a multiphysics (coupled) global ocean system at the coastal scale.

  • for most coastal marine organisms, including algae, invertebrates and fish, dispersal, genetic connectivity and the replenishment of coastal populations depend on the character of the coastal ocean. Modelling this dispersal process and larval transport across the surfzone is at the foremost of marine conservation ecology and requires advanced ocean modelling (in addition to the specific biological processes).

LEMON has a strong expertise on mathematical modelling and coupling techniques (borrowed from domain decomposition models) that will be intensely used in these frameworks. As far as extreme events are concerned, we want to build a data generator which will allow the study of the effects of various scenarios on impact measures. To do so, we will first analyze data simulated from a physical system and detect extreme events. The latter will be used to generate and calibrate as many realistic extreme events as necessary.