Section: Dissemination
Articles and contents
X. Caruso published an article entitled Polynômes tordus in the journal Au fil des maths de la maternelle à l'université... edited by APMEP.
H. Cohen wrote in [28] an introduction to Modular forms, which has been published in the book Notes from the International School on Computational Number Theory.
D. Robert is a member of the jury of Agregations de Mathematiques. He is also the codirector with Alain Couvreur of the option “calcul formel” of the Modelisation part of the oral examination.
24/02/2018 in Olot (Spain), A. Page, with the other participants of Sage Days 93: one day for 20 local high school students to explore mathematical problems.
24/05/2018, A. Page: Unithé ou café on the mathematics of wireless communications: Méthodes algébriques et géométriques pour les communications sans fil : comment l'espace hyperbolique peut-il améliorer vos appels téléphoniques ?
30/05/2018, A. Page: in Poitiers half a day meeting with junior school students who took part in the Al-Kindi competition; introduction to cryptography.
27/09/2018 D. Robert and A. Page: demonstration stand on graph-based cryptography at the Inria BSO Party Day.
9-11/10/201 A. Page: Fête de la Science at Inria Bordeaux, activity on cryptography (7 groups of students).
13/10/2018 D. Robert and A. Page: demonstration stand on graph-based cryptography at the Inria BSO Open Day.
11/12/2018 A. Page: talk at the Inria BSO Comité des Projets Variations arithmétiques et algorithmiques sur le thème << Peut-on entendre la forme d'un tambour? >>