Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Chloe Martindale defended her PhD thesis on Isogeny Graphs, Modular Polynomials, and Applications.
Antonin Riffaut defended his PhD thesis on Effective computation of special points.
A new release of Pari/Gp , 2.11.0, has been published. This is a major stable release ending a development cycle which started in November 2016; it includes among others an extensive new package for modular forms.
2018 was also a year with more workshops on Pari/Gp than ever: Besides two general workshops uniting developers and users, organised together with the universities of Besançon and Rome in the respective cities, the team participated with lectures on Pari/Gp at the École jeunes chercheurs en théorie des nombres à Besançon ( and at the summer school ZETAS 2018 at Le Bourget du Lac (