Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: Laurent Amsaleg & Teddy Furon, Indexation multimédia, 10h, L3-cours invité, ENS Rennes, France
Licence: Laurent Amsaleg, Bases de données avancées, 2h, L3-option génie mathématique, INSA Rennes, France
Licence: Guillaume Gravier, Probability and statistics, 16h, L3, INSA Rennes, France
Licence: Guillaume Gravier, Natural Language Processing, 12h, L3 & M1, INSA Rennes, France
Engineering school: Vincent Claveau, Machine Learning, 16h, 3rd year, INSA Rennes, France
Engineering school: Vincent Claveau, Information Retrieval, 10h, 3rd year, ENSSAT Lannion, France
Master: Vincent Claveau, Information Retrieval, 10h, M2 MIAGE, Univ. Rennes, France
Master: Laurent Amsaleg, Bases de données avancées, 25h, M2, INSA Rennes, France
Master: Guillaume Gravier, Data analysis and probabilistic modeling, 30h, M2, University Rennes 1, France
Master: Simon Malinowski, Méthodes de prédiction, 32h, M2 Miage, Univ. Rennes
Master: Simon Malinowski, Apprentissage automatique, 24h, M2 Miage, Univ. Rennes
Master: Simon Malinowski, Fouille de données symboliques, 12h, M2 Miage, Univ. Rennes
Master: Christian Raymond, Dialogue, 4H, M2 SIF, Univ. Rennes
Master: Ewa Kijak, Supervised machine learning, 15h, M2R, University Rennes 1, France
Master: Ewa Kijak, Supervised machine learning, 15h, M2, University Rennes 1, France
Master: Ewa Kijak, Image classification, 45h, M1, ESIR, France
Master: Ewa Kijak, Image indexing, 17h, M2, University Rennes 1, France
Master: Ewa Kijak, Indexing and multimedia databases, 15h, M2, ENSSAT, France
Master: Yannis Avrithis, Deep learning for vision, 20h, M2 SIF, France
Master: Teddy Furon, Rare event simulations, 20h, M2 option génie mathématique, INSA, France
Master: Pascale Sébillot, Natural Language Programming, 6h, M1, INSA Rennes, France
PhD in progress: Hanwei Zhang, Deep Learning in Adversarial Contexts, October 2017, Laurent Amsaleg, Yannis Avrithis, Teddy Furon & Ewa Kijak
PhD in progress: Marzieh Gheisari-Khorasgani, Secure identification in the Internet of Things, January 2018, Laurent Amsaleg & Teddy Furon
PhD in progress: Cédric Maigrot, Détection de fausses informations dans les réseaux sociaux, October 2015, Laurent Amsaleg, Vincent Claveau & Ewa Kijak
PhD in progress: Ricardo Carlini-Sperandio, Unsupervised motif mining in multimedia time series, August 2015, Laurent Amsaleg & Guillaume Gravier
PhD in progress: Antoine Perquin, Universal speech synthesis through embeddings of massive heterogeneous data, October 2017, Laurent Amsaleg, Gwénolé Lecorvé & Damien Lolive (with Expression, IRISA team)
PhD in progress: Tong Xue, Visualization and collaborative analysis of document collections and extracted knowledge for data journalism, October 2018, Laurent Amsaleg & Anastasia Bezerianos
PhD in progress: Mathieu Laroze, Active learning on adaptive representations for object detection in high-resolution imaging, started June 2016, Romain Dambreville, Chloe Friguet, Ewa Kijak and Sebastien Lefevre (with OBELIX, IRISA team)
PhD in progress: Mikail Demirdelen, User-adapted multi-document multimedia synthesis, started Oct. 2016, Guillaume Gravier & Pascale Sébillot
PhD in progress: Cheikh Brahim El Vaigh, Incremental content to data linking leveraging ontological knowledge in data journalism, started Oct. 2017, Guillaume Gravier, Pascale Sébillot and François Goasdoué (with CEDAR, Inria team)
PhD in progress: Cyrielle Mallart, Incremental dynamic construction of knowledge bases from text mining, started Dec. 2018, Guillaume Gravier & Pascale Sébillot (with Ouest-France)
PhD in progress: Oriane Siméoni, Invariance and supervision in visual learning, started Oct. 2016, Yannis Avrithis & Guillaume Gravier
PhD in progress: Zhaohui Yang, learning visual models with minimal human supervision, Jan. 2018, Miaojing Shi & Yannis Avrithis & Chao Xu (Peking University, Beijing)
PhD in progress: Feng Xiong, Perception and self-learning of service robot in dynamic scenarios. Nov. 2019, Miaojing Shi & Qijun Chen (Tongji University, Shanghai)
PhD in progress: Yann Lifchitz, Few shot learning for object recognition in aerial images. Started Mar. 2018, Yannis Avrithis, Sylvaine Picard (Safran) and Andrei Bursuc (Valeo).