Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Philippe Robert, “Large Stochastic Networks”, 24h, M2, Sorbonne Université, France.
Master: Marie Doumic, ”Inverse problems in Biological Dynamics”, 24h, M2, Sorbonne Université, France
Jean Clairambault: teaching in Spring school “Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Growth and Therapy” (4 one-hour lectures), UAB, Barcelona, April 2018 (see above); Fall teaching (3 one-hour lectures), Politecnico di Torino, October 2018 (see above)
Licence : Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, “Calculus 3”, 90h, L2 and “Analyse”, 60h, L3, Fundação Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Master : Diane Peurichard, “Fondements des méthodes numériques”, 20h, “Calcul matriciel numérique” 20h
Licence : Diane Peurichard, Licence: “Introduction to Python” 20h
Master : Dirk Drasdo, “Agent-based models of tissue organization”, UPMC M2 course, Paris 24 h / yr
PhD : Wen Sun, “A study of interacting stochastic networks : large scale, long time behavior and fluctuations”, Sorbonne Université, June, 11, 2018, Philippe Robert
PhD : Veronica Quintuna Rodriguez, “New Network / IT Command: Virtualized Function Performance for a Programmable Infrastructure”, Sorbonne Université, October 3, 2018, Fabric Guillemin and Philippe Robert.
PhD in progress : Gaëtan Vignoud, “Plasticity of Stochastic Neural Networks”, September 1st, 2018, Philippe Robert, Laurent Venance
Jean Clairambault: supervision of the M2 (`mathematics of modelling') internship of Loïs Naudin: “Modélisation du métabolisme énergétique tumoral glycolytique vs. respiratoire oxydatif” and of two groups of four students of the L3 unit 3M101: “Excitabilité cellulaire : une première approche des systèmes dynamiques” and “Étude des équations de Lotka-Volterra”
Jean Clairambault: Supervision of PhD students Camille Pouchol (with Michèle Sabbah and Emmanuel Trélat, ED 386, Sorbonne Univerité, thesis defence June 2018: “Analysis, control and optimisation of PDEs, application to the biology and therapy of cancer” [1] and Ghassen Haddad (ED 386, Sorbonne Université, and Université Tunis-El Manar, co-supervisor: Slimane Ben Miled), thesis defence planned in December 2018: “Optimisation du traitement du cancer”)
Internship: Supervision of Valeria Caliaro, M1 student from University of Verona (3months internship) on interacting particle networks, Diane Peurichard
Internship: Supervision of S. Zhenyu, M1 student from LJLL, Sorbonne University (3months internship) on coarse graining of a fluid filled with obstacles, Diane Peurichard
Diane Peurichard, Luis Almeida, Benoit Perthame: supervision of project CEMRACS (6weeks)
PhD defended: Noémie Boissier PhD defence in June 2018, supervision by D. Drasdo and I. Vignon-Clementel
PhD in progress: Adrian Friebel, “Software of image processing and analysis of liver tissue at histological scales”, supervision by D. Drasdo and S. Hoehme
Internship: Ismael Gonzalez Valverde,PhD student from Zaragoza by Paul Van Liedekerke and Dirk Drasdo.
Ph.D thesis of C. Pouchol, defended on June 29th: participation in the committee of J. Clairambault and B. Perthame.
Ph.D thesis of M. Strugarek, defended on September 7th: participation in the committee of M. Doumic and B. Perthame.
Dirk Drasdo was in 2018 member of the ANR-grant selection committee for mathematical modeling in medicine and biology.