Section: New Results
Numerical methods for cell aggregation by chemotaxis
Three-dimensional cultures of cells are gaining popularity as an in vitro improvement over 2D Petri dishes. In many such experiments, cells have been found to organize in aggregates. We present new results of three- dimensional in vitro cultures of breast cancer cells exhibiting patterns. Understanding their formation is of particular interest in the context of cancer since metastases have been shown to be created by cells moving in clusters. In the paper [37], we propose that the main mechanism which leads to the emergence of patterns is chemotaxis, i.e., oriented movement of cells towards high concentration zones of a signal emitted by the cells themselves. Studying a Keller-Segel PDE system to model chemotactical auto-organization of cells, we prove that it is subject to Turing instability if a time-dependent condition holds. This result is illustrated by two-dimensional simulations of the model showing spheroidal patterns. They are qualitatively compared to the biological results and their variability is discussed both theoretically and numerically.
This motivates to study parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel equation with sensitivity saturation, because of its pattern formation ability, is a challenge for numerical simulations. We provide in [16] two finite-volume schemes that are shown to preserve, at the discrete level, the fundamental properties of the solutions, namely energy dissipation, steady states, positivity and conservation of total mass. These requirements happen to be critical when it comes to distinguishing between discrete steady states, Turing unstable transient states, numerical artifacts or approximate steady states as obtained by a simple upwind approach. These schemes are obtained either by following closely the gradient flow structure or by a proper exponential rewriting inspired by the Scharfetter-Gummel discretization. An interesting fact is that upwind is also necessary for all the expected properties to be preserved at the semi-discrete level. These schemes are extended to the fully discrete level and this leads us to tune precisely the terms according to explicit or implicit discretizations. Using some appropriate monotonicity properties (reminiscent of the maximum principle), we prove well-posedness for the scheme as well as all the other requirements. Numerical implementations and simulations illustrate the respective advantages of the three methods we compare.