Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams Not Involved in an Inria International Labs

  • Title: Mathematical modeling of cell motility and of autophagy

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of Vienna (Austria) - Wolfgang Pauli Institute - Christian Schmeiser

  • Start year: 2018

  • Numerous fruitful collaborations have been developed these last years between the WPI and the Inria team MAMBA. Diane Peurichard – newly recruited permanent member of the team MAMBA – worked two years (2016-2017) with Christian Schmeiser – member of the present project – through a post-doctoral contract at the university of Vienna. In collaboration with the biologists of IST, they developed mathematical tools to understand how cells move through adhesion-based and adhesion-free motion with applications in cancer development, prevalent theme of the team MAMBA. Collaborations WPI-MAMBA are presently maintained and ensured by the sabbatical of Marie Doumic – MAMBA team leader –, working at the university of Vienna with Christian Schmeiser and the PhD student Julia Delacour. They have initiated a collaboration on the mathematical modeling of autophagy, which requires both C. Schmeiser’s expertise in biomechanics and M. Doumic’s knowledge on aggregation processes. This team will also benefit of the strong links that C. Schmeiser has developed with the two biologists teams of S. Martens (on autophagy) and M. Sixt (on cell movement).

  • Of note, C. Schmeiser has been a laureate for the ”Chaire d'excellence” program of the FSMP. As such, he is for six months in Paris, and delivered a course at IHP on entropy methods. Many of his students and collaborators visited him (D. Oelz, G. Jankowiak, L. Kanzler, G. Favre, L. Neumann...), and participated to a joint Mamba-MaMoCeMa meeting on December 6th, still strengthening our links.

Participation in Other International Programs

International Initiatives
  • ECOS Nord C17M01

  • Title: News methods for controle of dengue and arobivroses epidemics

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidad del Valle (Colombia) - Department of Mathematics - Olga Vasilieva

  • Duration: 2017 - 2019

  • Start year: 2017

  • The overall goal of the project is the development of mathematical models and theory-based control methods, contributing to the improvement of epidemiological surveillance and the control of dengue and other serious diseases transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti (chikungunya, yellow fever, zika fever). More specifically, it :

    • Develops modeling framework for the biological control of mosquito populations (through the use of natural predators, Wolbachia bacteria etc.).

    • Proposes and evaluates control strategies based on the use of biological agents and on their possible combinations with traditional control measures (such as removal of reproduction, spraying insecticides and / or larvicides, use of mosquito nets, repellents, etc.).

    • Compares the results of biological control strategies (and their combinations) with those of traditional control using a cost / efficiency approach.

    • Includes in the developments the spatial aspects of the questions above.

  • BMBF (Germany) / LiSym; 2016-2020 LiSym addresses liver diseases and regeneration, namely, steatosis, fibrosis and cirrhosis, and acute on chronic liver failure. Dirk Drasdo is co-coordinator of one sub-project, participant in one of the other ones, and member of the leadership board

  • BMBF (Germany) / MSDILI; 2016-2019 MS-DILI addresses multiscale modeling of drug-induced liver disease focusing on the role of APAP. Dirk Drasdo participates in this project.