Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Four members of the team are Professors or Assistant Professors at Bordeaux University and have teaching duties, which consist in courses and practical exercises in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Michel Bergmann (CR) also teaches around 64 hours per year (practical exercises in programming for scientific computing).


  • PhD: Federico Tesser. Parallel solver for the Poisson equation on a hierarchy of superimposed meshes, under a Python framework, University of Bordeaux and Insubria University. 11/09/2018. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  • PhD: Claire Taymans. Solving Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Octree grids : towards Application to Wind Turbine Blade Modelling, University of Bordeaux. 28/09/2018. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  • PhD: Baptiste Lambert. Modelling and numerical simulation of interactions in particle-laden flows, University of Bordeaux. 17/10/2018. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Lisl Weynans.

  • PhD: Emanuela Abbate. Numerical methods for the simulation of low-Mach phenomena in continuum mechanics, University of Bordeaux and Insubria University. 19/12/2018. Advisors: Angelo Iollo, Gabriella Puppo.

  • PhD in progress: Michele Giuliano Carlino. Fluid-structure models on Chimera grids. 01/10/2018. Advisors: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  • PhD in progress: Sebastien Riffaud. Convergence between data and numerical models. Advisor: Angelo Iollo.

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Fondanèche. Monolithic fluid-structure modeles on parallel hierarchical grids. 01/09/2018. Advisor: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  • PhD in progress: Luis Ramos Benetti. Monolithic fluid-structure modeles on parallel hierarchical grids. 01/10/2017. Advisor: Michel Bergmann, Angelo Iollo.

  • PhD in progress: Mathias Braun. Reduced-order modelling for increased resilience of water distribution networks. 01/10/2015. Advisors: Angelo Iollo, Iraj Mortazavi, Olivier Piller.

  • PhD in progress: Numerical simulation and modeling of zebra fish swimming for the study of human diseases of genetic and toxicological origin. 01/10/2015. Advisors: Afaf Bouharguane, Patrick Babin.


Angelo Iollo has been reviewer of the PhD thesis of Nicola Pozzi Numerical Modeling and Experimental Testing of a Pendulum Wave Energy Converter (PeWEC), Politecnico di Torino, DIMEAS, May 2018.

Tommaso Taddei has partecipated to the PhD thesis of Nicolas Cagniart A few nonlinear approaches in model order reduction, Sorbonne University, LJLL, November 2018.