Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


ANR PRCE Cineviz

Participants : Marc Christie [contact] , Quentin Galvane.

Cineviz is a 3-year ANR LabCom project (2016-2019). Amount: 300kE. Parnters: SolidAnim, UR1.

The project is a bilateral collaboration with the SolidAnim company. The objective is to jointly progress on the design and implementation of novel tools for the preproduction in the film industry. The project will address the challenges related to (i) proposing expressive framing tools, (ii) integrating the technical aspects of shooting (how to place the cameras, lights, green sets) directly at the design stage), and (iii) novel interaction metaphors for designing and controlling the staging of lights in preproduction, using an example-based approach.


Participants : Ludovic Hoyet [contact] , Benjamin Niay, Anne-Hélène Olivier, Antonio Mucherino, Richard Kulpa, Franck Multon.

Per2 is a 42 month ANR JCJC project (2018-2022) entitled Perception-based Human Motion Personalisation (Budget: 280kE; website: https://project.inria.fr/per2/)

The objective of this project is to focus on how viewers perceive motion variations to automatically produce natural motion personalisation accounting for inter-individual variations. In short, our goal is to automate the creation of motion variations to represent given individuals according to their own characteristics, and to produce natural variations that are perceived and identified as such by users. Challenges addressed in this project consist in (i) understanding and quantifying what makes motions of individuals perceptually different, (ii) synthesising motion variations based on these identified relevant perceptual features, according to given individual characteristics, and (iii) leveraging even further the synthesis of motion variations and to explore their creation for interactive large-scale scenarios where both performance and realism are critical.

This work was performed in collabration with Julien Pettré from Rainbow team.


Participants : Franck Multon [contact] , Armel Crétual, Georges Dumont, Charles Pontonnier, Anthony Sorel.

Hobis is a 42 month ANR collaborative (PRCI) project (2018-2022) entitled HoBiS (Hominin BipedalismS): Exploration of bipedal gaits in Hominins thanks to Specimen-Specific Functional Morphology. HoBis is leaded by the Museum Nationale d'Histoires Naturelles (CNRS), with CNRS/LAAS, and Antwerpen University (Belgium), with a total of 541KE budget (140KE for MimeTIC).

HoBiS (Hominin BipedalismS) is a pluridisciplinary research project, fundamental in nature and centred on palaeoanthropological questions related to habitual bipedalism, one of the most striking features of the human lineage. Recent discoveries (up to 7 My) highlight an unexpected diversity of locomotor anatomies in Hominins that lead palaeoanthropologists to hypothesize that habitual bipedal locomotion took distinct shapes through our phylogenetic history. In early Hominins, this diversity could reveal a high degree of locomotor plasticity which favoured their evolutionary success in the changing environments of the late Miocene and Pliocene. Furthermore, one can hypothesize based on biomechanical theory that differences in gait characteristics, even slight, have impacted the energy balance of hominin species and thus their evolutionary success. However, given the fragmented nature of fossil specimens , previous morphometric and anatomo-functional approaches developed by biologists and palaeoanthropologists, do not allow the assessment of the biomechanical and energetic impacts of such subtle morphological differences, and the manners in which hominin species walked still remains unknown. To tackle this problem, HoBiS proposes as main objective a totally new specimen-specific approach in evolutionary anthropology named Specimen-Specific Functional Morphology: inferring plausible complete locomotor anatomies based on fossil remains, to link these reconstructed anatomies and corresponding musculoskeletal models (MSM) with plausible gaits using simulations. Both sub-objectives will make use of an extensive comparative anatomical and gait biomechanical data bases (challenges). To this end, we will integrate anatomical and functional studies, tools for anatomical modelling, optimization and simulation rooted in informatics, biomechanics, and robotics, to build an in-silico decision-support system (DSS). This DSS will provide biomechanical simulations and energetic estimations of the most plausible bipedal gaits for a variety of hominin species based on available remains, from partial to well-preserved specimens. To achieve this main objective, the project will address the following sub-objectives and challenges

MimeTIC is Leader of WP3 "Biomechanical simulation", aiming at predicting plausible bipedal locomotion based on paleoanthropological heuristics and a given MSM.

National scientific collaborations


Participant : Franck Multon [contact] .

The Cavaletic collaborative project is leaded by University Bretagne Sud and also involves University Rennes2 (CREAD Lab.). It has been funded by the National IFCE (Institut Français du Cheval et de l'Equitation) in order to develop and evaluate technological assistance in horse riding learning, thanks to a user-centered approach. MimeTIC is involved in measuring expert and non-expert horse riders' motions in standardized situations in order to develop metrics to measure riders' performance. It will be used to develop a technological system embedded on users to evaluate their performance and provide them with real-time feedback to correct potential errors.

The project ended in 2018 but we are submitting a proposal to SATT Ouest Valorisation in order to finish the development of the technological prototype, and to evaluate the possibility to patent the process, and transfer it to private companies.

French Federation of Tennis

Participants : Richard Kulpa [contact] , Benoit Bideau, Pierre Touzard.

An exclusive contract has been signed between the M2S laboratory and the French Federation of Tennis for three years. The goal is to perform biomechanical analyses of 3D tennis serves on a population of 40 players of the Pôle France. The objective is to determine the link between injuries and biomechanical constraints on joints and muscles depending on the age and gender of the players. At the end, the goal is to evaluate their load training.

ADT: Immerstar 2020

Participants : Ronan Gaugne [contact] , Georges Dumont.

The ADT-Immerstar 2020 is driven by the SED and aims at developing new tools and facilities for the scientific community in order to develop demos and use the two immersive rooms in Rennes: Immersia and Immermove. The engineer (Quentin Petit, SED) has the responsibility of homogenizing the software modules and development facilities in each platform, of installing new upgrades and of developping collaborative applications between the two sites.


Participants : Franck Multon [contact] , Ludovic Hoyet, Antonio Mucherino.

The Inria PRE projet entitled "Smart sensors and novel motion representation breakthrough for human performance analysis" aims at designing a new description for human motion in order to automatically capture, measure and transfer the intrinsic constraints of human motion. Current approached consisted in manually editing the constraints associated with a motion, to use classical skeleton representation with joint angles based on direct or indirect measurements, and then perform inverse kinematics to fulfill these constraints. We aim at designing a new representation to simplify this process pipeline and make it automatic, together with relevant motion sensors that could provide enough information to automatically extract these intrinsic constraints. To this end, this project has been jointly proposed with the Inria CAIRN team, which develops sensors based on joint orientations and distances between sensors. We aim at extending this type of device to measure new types of information that would help to simplify the above mentionned pipeline. A postdoc Zhiguang Liu arrived in November 2016 to jointly work with CAIRN.

Our results show that shape transfer could be used to transfer a pose from a source character to a target character while maintaining the contextual meaning of the original pose, even if the two characters have different morphology. The main contribution is the definition of a new data structre, named "context graph", to model relative Laplacian coordinates of sub-sampled surfaces points, enabling us to capture the topological relations betwen surfaces of the body.

We have obtained a proof of concept presented in ACM Motion in Games 2018, and we are planning to submit an extended version of the paper to IEEE TVCG.


Participants : Anne-Hélène Olivier [contact] , Armel Crétual, Anthony Sorel.

The AUTOMA-PIED project is driven by IFSTTAR. Using a set-up in virtual reality, the first objective of the project aims at comparing pedestrian behaviour (young and older adults) when interacting with traditional or autonomous vehicles in a street crossing scenario. The second objective is to identify postural cues that can predict whether or not the pedestrian is about to cross the street.

IPL Avatar

Participants : Ludovic Hoyet [contact] , Franck Multon.

This project, led by Ludovic Hoyet, aims at design avatars (i.e., the user’s representation in virtual environments) that are better embodied, more interactive and more social, through improving all the pipeline related to avatars, from acquisition and simulation, to designing novel interaction paradigms and multi-sensory feedback. It involves 6 Inria teams (GraphDeco, Hybrid, Loki, MimeTIC, Morpheo, Potioc), Prof. Mel Slater (Uni. Barcelona), and 2 industrial partners (Technicolor and Faurecia).

Website: http://avatar.inria.fr