Section: New Software and Platforms

QuickCSG V2

Keywords: 3D modeling - CAD - 3D reconstruction - Geometric algorithms

Scientific Description: See the technical report "QuickCSG: Arbitrary and Faster Boolean Combinations of N Solids", Douze, Franco, Raffin.

The extension of the algorithm to self-intersecting meshes is described in "QuickCSG with self-intersections", a document inside the package.

Functional Description: QuickCSG is a library and command-line application that computes Boolean operations between polyhedra. The basic algorithm is described in the research report "QuickCSG: Arbitrary and Faster Boolean Combinations of N Solids", Douze, Franco, Raffin. The input and output polyhedra are defined as indexed meshes. In version 2, that was developed in the context of a software transfer contract, the meshes can be self-intersecting, in which case the inside and outside are defined by the non-zero winding rule. The operation can be any arbitrary Boolean function, including one that is defined as a CSG tree. The focus of QuickCSG is speed. Robustness to degeneracies is obtained by carefully applied random perturbations.