Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

  • Jean-Sébastien Franco reviewed for 3DV, CVPR and ECCV 2018, and the CVPR 2018 Humans Workshop.

  • Sergi Pujades reviewed for 3DV.

  • Julien Pansiot reviewed for ECCV 2018 and CVPR 2019.

  • Stefanie Wuhrer reviewed for CVPR, ECCV, and SIGGRAPH.

  • Edmond Boyer reviewed for 3DV, CVPR and RFIAP 2018.

  • Edmond Boyer was area chair for BMVC and ECCV 2018.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Edmond Boyer is associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision (Springer).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Stefanie Wuhrer reviewed for IJCV and PAMI.

  • Edmond Boyer reviewed for IJCV and PAMI.

  • Sergi Pujades reviewed for the Journal of Imaging (MDPI), Sensors and IEEE TVCG.

  • Jean-Sébastien Franco reviewed for IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications.

Invited Talks

  • Edmond Boyer gave invited talks at: Microsoft Cambridge (visit), Institut Descarte Paris (conférence maths et mouvement), New York University (visit) and Montpellier University (Module Image).

Scientific Expertise

  • Jean-Sebastien Franco reviewed for the Euregio Science Fund (EGTC) - Interregional Project Networks (IPN) in 2018.

  • Jean-Sebastien Franco was a member of the recruiting commitee of Universite Grenoble Alpes for an Assistant Professor position in 2018.

  • Jean-Sebastien Franco was a member of the Ensimag Engineering school - Grenoble INP steering commitee (Conseil d'École) in 2018.

  • Jean-Sebastien Franco was a member of the recruiting commitee of Ensimag - Grenoble INP Engineering school for temporary research and teaching associates (ATER) in 2018.

  • Sergi Pujades reviewed for the DFG (German ANR).

Research Administration

  • Edmond Boyer is auditor for the Computer Vision European Association.