Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Thierry Fraichard was Program Co-Chair for the IEEE Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), Brisbane (AT), May 2018.
Member of Conference Program Committees
Patrick Reignier was a member of the Program Committee of Smart Objects 2018 (satellite workshop to CHI 2018, Montreal (CA).
Eric Castelli: co-organisator and "board member" of the international conference serie STLU'xx (Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages) since it-s creation. For 2018: participation of SLTU'18 (Gurugam, India) (as reminder: SLTU’16 (Jakarta, Indonesia) - SLTU’14 (St Petersburg, Russia) - SLTU’12 (Cape Town, South Africa) - STLU’10 (Penang, Malaysia) - Organisator and “co-chair” of the first edition STLU’08 (Hanoi, Vietnam))
Sabine Coquillart was a member of the Program Committee for 3DCVE'18, CENTRIC'18, GRAPP'18, ICGI'18, ICMI'18, IEEE VR'18 Journal Papers, IEEE VR'18 Conference Papers, ICAT-EGVE'18, VRST'18, WSCG'18,
Thierry Fraichard reviewed papers for the IEEE/RSJ IROS conference.
Dominique Vaufreydaz reviewed articles for IV2018, IUadapt2018, RO-MAN2018, ICARCV2018, AVEC2018, Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data at ICMI 2018, HRI 2019, MAPR2018.
Eric Castelli reviewed papers of 14 international conferences and workshops: SPIN 2018 (Noida, Dehly, India) - 3ICT18 (Bahrain) – IALP 2018 (Bandung, Indonesia) – NICS 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) - SCS 2018 (Bahrain) – SPECOM 2018 (Leipzig, Germany) – SigTelCom 2018 (Ho Chi Minh Citiy, Vietnam) - STLU’18 (Gurugram, India) – ATC 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) – ICVES 2018 (Madrid, Spain) – SCS 2019 (Bahrain) – SigTelCom 2019 (Hanoi, Vietnam) – ICMSAO 2019 (Bahrain) – SPECOM 2019 (Istanbul, Turkey) – MAPR 2019 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)
James Crowley Reviewed papers for ACCV 2018, ICMI 2019, and CVPR 2018.
Sabine Coquillart Reviewed papers for Eurographics'18, Eurohaptics'18.
Member of the Editorial Boards
Sabine Coquillart is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.
Sabine Coquillart is Academic Editor for PeerJ Computer Science Journal.
Sabine Coquillart is Review Editor for Frontiers in Virtual Environments Journal.
Sabine Coquillart is Associate Editor for Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.
Thierry Fraichard is an Asssociate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).
Patrick Reignier is a member of the editorial board of the Modeling and Using Context Journal.
Patrick Reignier served as a guest editor for a special issue of the Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle on Smart Homes.
Dominique Vaufreydaz served as a guest editor for a special issue Special Issue "Human Behavior, Emotion and Representation" of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Thierry Fraichard reviewed articles for IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles (TIV), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).
Thierry Fraichard reviewed proposals for the IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes and the Italian Research Agency.
Thierry Fraichard served as a reviewer for the H2020 ILIAD European project.
Eric Castelli reviewed article for the "Romanian Human Computer Interaction" Journal (RRIOC)
Dominique Vaufreydaz reviewed articles for the journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education
Invited Talks
Eric Castelli: The future of scientific international cooperation in ASEAN area. Seminar of International Research Institute MICA, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9 & 10 July 2018
James Crowley: Put That There: 30 Years of Research on Multi-Modal Interaction, Invited Plenary Presentation, 2018 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2018, Boulder Co. 16 Oct 2018.
James Crowley: Artificial Intelligence, Invited Plenary Presentation, 2018 Colloque annuel des directeurs des écoles d'ingénieures, Marseilles, 31 May 2018.
Sabine Coquillart: Pseudo-haptics : résultats de recherche et perspectives d'applications, Invited presentation, Séminaire "Sensorimotricité, intersensorialité et réalité virtuelle", Grenoble, 28 janvier 2018.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
James Crowley is a member of the Steering Committee for the ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction.
Sabine Coquillart is serving as member of the steering committee for the ICAT Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence.
Sabine Coquillart is chairing the steering committee for the EGVE Working Group – EUROGRAPHICS Working group on Virtual Environments.
Sabine Coquillart is an elected member of the EUROGRAPHICS Executive Committee.
Sabine Coquillart is a member of the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group and Workshop board.
Scientific Expertise
James L. Crowley served on the ANR committee CE 33 Interaction, Robotics.
Sabine Coquillart served as an expert reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund.
Thierry Fraichard served as an expert reviewer for the European Commission and the Italian Research Agency.
Patrick Reignier is a member of the Scientific Council of the Amiqual4Home EquipEx.
Dominique Vaufreydaz served as an evaluator for Initiatives de Recherche Stratégiques (IRS) call of the Grenoble Idex.
Dominique Vaufreydaz served as an evaluator for Icelandic Research Fund.
Eric Castelli served as an international expert for the Vietnamese agency NAFOSTED (National Foundation for Science and Technology Development), Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam.
Eric Castelli served as an international expert for the Cambodian Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
Sabine Coquillart served as member for the Best Paper Award Committee for IEEE VR 2018.
Sabine Coquillart served as a member of the Scientific Committee of "Challenges of IoT in the Digital Tools and Uses Congress", 2018.
Research Administration
James Crowley is director for the Amiqual4Home Innovation Platform (EquipEx).
James Crowley serves on the Administrative Committee (Bureau) for the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.
James Crowley served on the Scientific Committee (CoS) for the CRI Inria Grenoble-Rhone Alpes.
James Crowley served on the orientation committee for the Competitivety Pole Minalogic
Patrick Reignier is head of the engineering support group of the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (13 members). He is currently supervising the moving of the Domus Living lab to a new site on Campus.
Patrick Reignier serves on the Administrative Office (Bureau) for the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.
Patrick Reignier is a member of the Comité Executif of the Amiqual4Home Equipex
Patrick Reignier is a member of the Comité de pilotage of the MACI (Maison de la Création et l'Innovation)