Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Sabine Coquillart was Conference co-chair for ICAT-EGVE 2018, Cyprus, Nov. 7-9, 2018.

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Thierry Fraichard was Program Co-Chair for the IEEE Int. Conf. on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR), Brisbane (AT), May 2018.

Member of Conference Program Committees
  • Patrick Reignier was a member of the Program Committee of Smart Objects 2018 (satellite workshop to CHI 2018, Montreal (CA).

  • Eric Castelli: co-organisator and "board member" of the international conference serie STLU'xx (Spoken Language Technologies for Under-resourced languages) since it-s creation. For 2018: participation of SLTU'18 (Gurugam, India) (as reminder: SLTU’16 (Jakarta, Indonesia) - SLTU’14 (St Petersburg, Russia) - SLTU’12 (Cape Town, South Africa) - STLU’10 (Penang, Malaysia) - Organisator and “co-chair” of the first edition STLU’08 (Hanoi, Vietnam))

  • Sabine Coquillart was a member of the Program Committee for 3DCVE'18, CENTRIC'18, GRAPP'18, ICGI'18, ICMI'18, IEEE VR'18 Journal Papers, IEEE VR'18 Conference Papers, ICAT-EGVE'18, VRST'18, WSCG'18,

  • Thierry Fraichard reviewed papers for the IEEE/RSJ IROS conference.

  • Patrick Reignier reviewed papers for Smart Objects 2018.

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz reviewed articles for IV2018, IUadapt2018, RO-MAN2018, ICARCV2018, AVEC2018, Workshop on Modeling Cognitive Processes from Multimodal Data at ICMI 2018, HRI 2019, MAPR2018.

  • Eric Castelli reviewed papers of 14 international conferences and workshops: SPIN 2018 (Noida, Dehly, India) - 3ICT18 (Bahrain) – IALP 2018 (Bandung, Indonesia) – NICS 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) - SCS 2018 (Bahrain) – SPECOM 2018 (Leipzig, Germany) – SigTelCom 2018 (Ho Chi Minh Citiy, Vietnam) - STLU’18 (Gurugram, India) – ATC 2018 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam) – ICVES 2018 (Madrid, Spain) – SCS 2019 (Bahrain) – SigTelCom 2019 (Hanoi, Vietnam) – ICMSAO 2019 (Bahrain) – SPECOM 2019 (Istanbul, Turkey) – MAPR 2019 (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

  • James Crowley Reviewed papers for ACCV 2018, ICMI 2019, and CVPR 2018.

  • Sabine Coquillart Reviewed papers for Eurographics'18, Eurohaptics'18.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • Sabine Coquillart is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting.

  • Sabine Coquillart is Academic Editor for PeerJ Computer Science Journal.

  • Sabine Coquillart is Review Editor for Frontiers in Virtual Environments Journal.

  • Sabine Coquillart is Associate Editor for Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.

  • Thierry Fraichard is an Asssociate Editor for IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).

  • Patrick Reignier is a member of the editorial board of the Modeling and Using Context Journal.

  • Patrick Reignier served as a guest editor for a special issue of the Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle on Smart Homes.

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as a guest editor for a special issue Special Issue "Human Behavior, Emotion and Representation" of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
  • Thierry Fraichard reviewed articles for IEEE Trans. Intelligent Vehicles (TIV), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L).

  • Thierry Fraichard reviewed proposals for the IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes and the Italian Research Agency.

  • Thierry Fraichard served as a reviewer for the H2020 ILIAD European project.

  • Eric Castelli reviewed article for the "Romanian Human Computer Interaction" Journal (RRIOC)

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz reviewed articles for the journal of Interactive Technology and Smart Education

Invited Talks

  • Eric Castelli: The future of scientific international cooperation in ASEAN area. Seminar of International Research Institute MICA, Hanoi, Vietnam, 9 & 10 July 2018

  • James Crowley: Put That There: 30 Years of Research on Multi-Modal Interaction, Invited Plenary Presentation, 2018 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2018, Boulder Co. 16 Oct 2018.

  • James Crowley: Artificial Intelligence, Invited Plenary Presentation, 2018 Colloque annuel des directeurs des écoles d'ingénieures, Marseilles, 31 May 2018.

  • Sabine Coquillart: Pseudo-haptics : résultats de recherche et perspectives d'applications, Invited presentation, Séminaire "Sensorimotricité, intersensorialité et réalité virtuelle", Grenoble, 28 janvier 2018.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • James Crowley is a member of the Steering Committee for the ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction.

  • Sabine Coquillart is serving as member of the steering committee for the ICAT Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence.

  • Sabine Coquillart is chairing the steering committee for the EGVE Working Group – EUROGRAPHICS Working group on Virtual Environments.

  • Sabine Coquillart is an elected member of the EUROGRAPHICS Executive Committee.

  • Sabine Coquillart is a member of the EUROGRAPHICS Working Group and Workshop board.

Scientific Expertise

  • James L. Crowley served on the ANR committee CE 33 Interaction, Robotics.

  • Sabine Coquillart served as an expert reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund.

  • Thierry Fraichard served as an expert reviewer for the European Commission and the Italian Research Agency.

  • Patrick Reignier is a member of the Scientific Council of the Amiqual4Home EquipEx.

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as an evaluator for Initiatives de Recherche Stratégiques (IRS) call of the Grenoble Idex.

  • Dominique Vaufreydaz served as an evaluator for Icelandic Research Fund.

  • Eric Castelli served as an international expert for the Vietnamese agency NAFOSTED (National Foundation for Science and Technology Development), Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam.

  • Eric Castelli served as an international expert for the Cambodian Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

  • Sabine Coquillart served as member for the Best Paper Award Committee for IEEE VR 2018.

  • Sabine Coquillart served as a member of the Scientific Committee of "Challenges of IoT in the Digital Tools and Uses Congress", 2018.

Research Administration

  • James Crowley is director for the Amiqual4Home Innovation Platform (EquipEx).

  • James Crowley serves on the Administrative Committee (Bureau) for the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.

  • James Crowley served on the Scientific Committee (CoS) for the CRI Inria Grenoble-Rhone Alpes.

  • James Crowley served on the orientation committee for the Competitivety Pole Minalogic

  • Patrick Reignier is head of the engineering support group of the Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (13 members). He is currently supervising the moving of the Domus Living lab to a new site on Campus.

  • Patrick Reignier serves on the Administrative Office (Bureau) for the Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble.

  • Patrick Reignier is at the head of the Domus Living Lab

  • Patrick Reignier is a member of the Comité Executif of the Amiqual4Home Equipex

  • Patrick Reignier is a member of the Comité de pilotage of the MACI (Maison de la Création et l'Innovation)