Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


James Crowley
  • James Crowley was co-director of the Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble (MoSIG) to Sept 2018.

  • Master : Computer Vision, Course 27h EqTD, M2 year, Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble

  • Master 1: Intelligent Systems, Cours 54h EqTD, UFRIM2AG

  • ENSIMAG 2: Intelligent Systems, Cours 54h EqTD, ENSIMAG

  • ENSIMAG 3 : Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Cours 27h EqTD, ENSIMAG

Patrick Reignier
  • Patrick Reignier has been elected member of the Conseil des Etudes et de la Vie Universitaire of Grenoble INP

  • Patrick Reignier was a member of the consultation group for the proposal of the founding text for the integrated university.

  • Patrick Reignier has been nominated as a member of the Conseil de la Formation Continue de Grenoble INP

  • Patrick Reignier participated in the editing of a successful Idex Educational program proposal "FromLivingLab".

  • Patrick Reignier is co-director of the "formation en apprentissage" of Ensimag (3 years program : 1 year for the Licence and 2 years for the Master)

  • Patrick Reignier Supervises the industrial part of the “formation en apprentissage” of the Ensimag engineering school.

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Projet Genie Logiciel, 55h eqTD, M1, Ensimag/Grenoble INP, France.

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Développement d’applications communicantes, 18h eqTD, M2, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Introduction aux applications reparties, 18h eqTD, M2, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Applications Web et Mobiles , 27h eqTD, M1, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Projet Systeme, 12h eq TD, M1, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France

  • Licence: Patrick Reignier, Projet C, 20h eqTD, L3, Ensimag/Grenoble-INP, France.

Dominique Vaufreydaz
  • Co-responsibility of the Graphic, Vision and Robotics track of the MOSIG Master program.

  • In charge of the transversal numerical competence courses at the Grenoble Faculty of Economics (Grenoble and Valence campuses)

  • Licence: Compétences Numériques, 126h eq TD,L1, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: Informatique appliquée à l’économie et à la gestion, 32 h eq TD, enseignement à distance, Licence, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence: Pratique avancée du Tableur, 72 h eq TD, L3, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence Professionnelle: Enquêtes et traitement d’enquêtes avec le logiciel Sphinx, 12h eq TD, Licence pro Métiers de l’Emploi et de la Formation, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Licence Professionnelle: Administration en environnement hétérogène, 20h eq TD, Licence pro Administration et Sécurité des Systèmes et des Réseaux, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • IUT année spéciale: Programmation C++, 18h eq TD, Année Spéciale IUT Informatique, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Master: Pratique avancée du Tableur, 24 h eq TD, M1 économie internationale et stratégies d’acteurs, Université Grenoble Alpes, France.

  • Master: Développement Web Mobile, 24h eq TD, M2 Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées aux Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Thierry Fraichard
  • Master: Thierry Fraichard, Autonomous Robotics, 22.5h eqTD, M2 MOSIG, Univ. Grenoble Alpes.

Supervision - Doctoral theses completed in 2018

  • Rémi Paulin, Human-Robot Motion: an Attention-Based Approach, 22 March 2018, Patrick Reignier and Thierry Fraichard.

  • Nguyen Dinh Van, Wireless Sensors Networks for Indoor Mapping and Accurate Localization for Low Speed Navigation in Smart Cities, 5 December 2018, Fawzi Nashashibi and Eric Castelli

Supervision - Current Doctoral Students

  • PhD in progress: Jose Grimaldo Da Silva Filho, "Human-Robot Motion, a Shared Effort Approach", Octobre 2015, Thierry Fraichard.

  • PhD in progress: Matteo Ciocca, "Safe Robot Motion", Octobre 2016, Thierry Fraichard and Pierre-Brice Wieber.

  • PhD in progress : Romain Bregier, Détection et estimation de pose d'instances d’objet rigide pour la manipulation robotisée, Octobre 2014, Frederic Devernay and James Crowley

  • PhD in progress : Etienne Balit, expressive social robot design, Octobre 2014, Patrick Reignier and Dominique Vaufreydaz.

  • PhD in progress : Interaction-Aware Tracking and Lane Change Detection in Highway Driving, David Sierra Gonzales, Octobre 2014, Dizan Vasquez and Emmanuel Mazer

  • PhD in progress : Minh-khoa Nguyen, Robotics-inspired methods for modeling and simulation of large nanosystems, Octobre 2014, Leaonard Jaillet and Emmanuel Mazer

  • PhD in progress : Amr Alyafi, explanatory observation of energy usage, Octobre 2015, Stephane Ploix and Patrick Reignier.

  • PhD in progress : Amine Awada, activity recognition for smart energy management, Octobre 2015, Stephane Ploix and Patrick Reignier.

  • PhD in progress : Liliya Tsetanova, Social Robotics, Octobre 2015, Veronique Aubergé and Patrick Reignier.

  • PhD in progress : Thomas Guntz, Multimodal Observation of Subjects Engaged in Problem Solving, Octobre 2016, James Crowley and Dominique Vaufreydaz

  • PhD in progress : Pavan Vashista, Situational Awareness of Autonomous Cars in Urban Areas, February 2016, Dominique Vaufreydaz and Anne Spalanzani (Inria Chroma).

  • PhD in progress : Nashwa Abou Bakr, Observation of Kitchen Activities, Octobre 2016, James Crowley and Remi Ronfard

  • PhD in progress : Raphael Frisch, conception de machine stochastique pour la localisation et la séparation de source sonor, Octobre 2016, Emmanuel Mazer


  • Thierry Fraichard served as an expert evaluator in the PhD Jury of Florent Altché, Ecole Nat. Sup. des Mines de Paris, Sep. 18.

  • Patrick Reignier served as a jury member of the Doctoral Jury of Hiary Landy Rajaonarivo (Lab-STICC, Brest)

  • Patrick Reignier served as a president of the Doctoral Jury of Nathan Ramoly (Telecom Sud Paris)

  • Patrick Reignier served as a president of the Doctoral Jury of Jérémy WAMBECKE (University Grenoble Alps)

  • Patrick Reignier served as a president of the Doctoral Jury of Paola Gomez (University Grenoble Alps)

  • Patrick Reignier served as a reporter of the Doctoral Jury of Mauricio Gomez Morales (Purdue University and Paris Est Créteil)

  • Sabine Coquillart served as reporter for the doctoral jury of A. Costes at INSA Rennes

  • Sabine Coquillart served as examiner for the doctoral juty of G. Cortes at Univ. Rennes 1.