Section: New Results
Simulating Haptic Sensations
Participants: Jingtao Chen, Sabine Coquillart
Partners: Inria GRA, LIG, GIPSA, G-SCOP
Pseudo-haptic feedback is a technique aiming to simulate haptic sensations without active haptic feedback devices. Peudo-haptic techniques have been used to simulate various haptic feedbacks such as stiffness, torques, and mass. In the framework of the Persyval project, a novel pseudo-haptic experiment has been set up. The aim of this experiment is to study the force and EMG signals during a pseudo-haptic task. A stiffness discrimination task similar to the one published in Lecuyer's PhD thesis has been chosen. The experimental set-up has been developed, as well as the software controlling the experiment. Pre-tests have been conducted. They have been followed by formal tests with subjects.