Section: New Results
Formalisation and verification
Participants : Pierre-Louis Curien, Kailiang Ji, Pierre Letouzey, Jean-Jacques Lévy, Cyprien Mangin, Daniel de Rauglaudre, Matthieu Sozeau.
Proofs and surfaces
Following ideas of J. Richter-Gebert, Pierre-Louis Curien, together with Jovana Obradović (former PhD student of the team and now postdoc in Prague), joined a project with Zoran Petrić and other Serbian colleagues on formalising proofs of incidence theorems (arising by repeated use of Menelaus theorem) by means of a cyclic sequent calculus, by which is meant that a (proof of a) sequent stands for the conjunction of all (proofs of) traditional sequents . We have designed a proof system, showed its soundness, and experimented it on an extended set of examples from elementary projective geometry. A paper is being written.
Hofstadter nested recursive functions and Coq
Pierre Letouzey continued this year the study of a family of nested recursive functions proposed by D. Hofstadter in his book “Gödel Escher Bach”. This is a generalisation of the earlier work [20], bringing a large number of new insights as well as many new conjectures. Most of the work is already certified in Coq, with generalised and/or nicer proofs, see Many interactions with Fibonacci numbers or similar recursive sequence have been found. Pierre Letouzey even stumbled upon a Rauzy fractal during this investigation, which is still ongoing.
Real Numbers in Coq
The present Coq library of real numbers is made of 17 axioms. Daniel de Rauglaudre has been studying the possibility of making an implementation with one only axiom: the Limited Principle of Omniscience (LPO) which says that we can differentiate an infinite sequence of 0s from an infinite sequence holding something else than 0 (it seems obvious but it cannot be proved in constructive logic). This axiom had been already used in the formal proof of Puiseux' theorem done some years ago (only axiom of this proof too).
Real numbers are defined by an infinite sequence of digits and the operations of addition and multiplication by algorithms using LPO.
It was tested in OCaml, the axiom being replaced by a function having a limit corresponding to the precision of the computation and it seems to work. But the proof in Coq that this implementation is a field stumbles on difficulties about the associativity of addition which is more complicated than expected. Several tracks have been experimented with Hugo Herbelin's help.
Proofs of algorithms on graphs
Jean-Jacques Lévy and Chen Ran (a PhD student at the Institute of Software, Beijing) pursue their work about formal proofs of graph algorithms. Their goal is to provide proofs of algorithms checked by computer and human readable. If these kinds of proofs exist for algorithms on inductive structures or recursive algorithms on arrays, they seem less easy to design for combinatorial structures such as graphs. In 2016, they completed proofs for algorithms computing the strongly connected components in graphs (Kosaraju - 1978 and Tarjan - 1972). Their proofs use the multi-sorted first-order logic with inductive predicates of the Why3 system (research-team Toccata, Saclay). They also widely use the numerous automatic provers interfaced with Why3. A very minor part of these proofs is also achieved in Coq. The difficulty of this approach is to combine automatic provers and the intuitive design. Another point is to define the good level of abstraction in order to avoid too many implementation features while keeping an effective presentation.
In 2017, the same proofs were fully completed in Coq-ssreflect with the Mathematical Components library by Cohen and Théry (research-team Marelle, Sophia-Antipolis), and in Isabelle-HOL by Merz (research-team VeriDis, Nancy), both proofs with the assistance of J.-J. Lévy. These proofs are between a factor 3 to 8 in length with respect to the initial Why3 proofs, but more importantly they look less human readable, mainly because of the absence of automatic deduction and several technicalities about termination. On the way, this collaboration led to a new, better presentation of the Why3 proof.
Part of this work (Tarjan 1972) was presented at JFLA 2017, a more comprehensive version was presented at the VSTTE 2017 conference in Heidelberg. Scripts of proofs can be found at, where other proofs of graph algorithms are also present: acyclicity test, articulation points, biconnected components. A proof of Tarjan's planarity test is also under design. A paper entitled “Formal Proofs of Tarjan's Algorithm in Why3, Coq and Isabelle” is under submission to a conference.
Certified compilation and meta-programming
Matthieu Sozeau participates to the CertiCoq project ( whose aim is to verify a compiler from Coq's Gallina language down to CompCert C-light which provides itself a certified compilation path to assembly language. Matthieu Sozeau focused on the front-end part of CertiCoq, providing formal proofs of the first two phases of the compiler. The first phase translates from Coq syntax to a more amenable representation for metatheoretical study, and the second phase performs extraction to an untyped lambda-calculus with datatypes and mutual (co-)fixpoints. These two phases are of general use and are now integrated and developed in the MetaCoq project. The CertiCoq team expects to release a first version of the compiler in the beginning of 2019, along with an article describing it.
MetaCoq is a project led by Matthieu Sozeau, in collaboration with Simon Boulier and Nicolas Tabareau in Nantes, Abhishek Anand and Gregory Malecha (BedRock Systems, Inc) and Yannick Forster in Saarbrucken. The project was born from the extension of the Template-Coq reification plugin of G. Malecha, which now contains:
A specification of the typing rules of Coq and its basic metatheoretical properties (weakening, substitution). This specification is not entirely complete yet, as the positivity and guard-checking of definitions is missing. Cyprien Mangin has formalised the regular tree structure used by the guard checker, and a simple positivity check for inductive types. Its integration is ongoing.
A (partial) proof of the correctness and completeness of a reference type-checker with respect to these rules.
An implementation of the extraction phase of Coq, which is used in the CertiCoq project. The proof of "syntactic" correctness of this phase, that is the preservation of weak call-by-value reduction by extraction is ongoing.
A monad giving the ability to program arbitrary plugins in Coq itself, in the style of MTac.
. The foundation of this project was published at ITP 2018 [37], and a journal article is in preparation.
In collaboration with Jan-Oliver Kaiser (MPI-SWS), Beta Ziliani (CONICET/FAMAF), Robbert Krebbers (ICIS) and Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS), Yann Régis-Gianas participates in the Mtac2 project, a metaprogramming language for Coq. The new version of this language has been presented at ICFP 2018 [34]. It includes in particular in a depedently-typed variant of the LCF tactic typing discipline.
In collaboration with Xavier Denis (Paris Diderot), Yann Régis-Gianas is implementing a compiler for Mtac2.
Equivalences for free!
Nicolas Tabareau (Inria Nantes), Eric Tanter (U. Chile in Santiago) and Matthieu Sozeau developed a new parametricity translation for justifying the transport of programs and proofs by equivalences in type theory [36]. Inspired by the Univalence axiom, they show that every construction of type theory (minus inductive families indexed by universes) respect type equivalence, and provide a modified parametricity translation that can be used to construct the proof of invariance by equivalence of any term. This translation is engineered so that transports do not appear during this inference, allowing an easy implementation of a transfer metaprogram in type theory using type class inference. Using this metaprogram, one can automatically transport libraries of implementations and their proofs from one type to an equivalent one, including cases where dependent types are used. While the translation ultimately relies on the univalence axiom to treat universes, its use can be avoided in many cases, providing an effective translation that can be evaluated inside type theory.
Detecting K-Synchronisability Violations
Ahmed Bouajjani, Constantin Enea, Kailiang Ji and Shaz Qadeer introduced a bounded analysis that explores a special type of computations, called -synchronous, for analyzing message passing programs. They gave a procedure for deciding -synchronisability of a program, i.e., whether every computation is equivalent (has the same happens-before relation) to one of its -synchronous computations. They also showed that reachability over -synchronous computations and checking -synchronisability are both PSPACE-complete. Furthermore, they introduced a class of programs called flow-bounded for which the problem of deciding whether there exists a for which the program is -synchronisable, is decidable. The -synchronisability violation detection algorithm was implemented in Spin model checker. This work was published at CAV 2018 [48].