Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Advisory and management activities
E. Lunéville is the Head of UMA (Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées) at ENSTA ParisTech.
P. Ciarlet is coordinator of the Mathematics & Engineering Program of the Mathematics Hadamard Labex (LMH)
Scientific events organisation end selection
S. Chaillat co-organized with X. Claeys (LJLL, EPI ALPINES) the symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM), which took place in Paris in June 2018. They were about 140 attendees.
A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia co-organized a workshop entitled “Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Methods for waves in structured Media” in Paris in March 2018, in the framework of the GDR Ondes. They were about 90 attendees.
Member of the Editorial Boards
A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is an associate editor of SIAP (SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics).
M. Bonnet is an associate editor of Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Journal of Optimization Theory and Application and Journal of Integral Equations and Applications. He is in the editorial board of Inverse Problems and Computational Mechanics.
P. Ciarlet is an editor of ESAIM:M2AN (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis).
P. Joly is a member of the Book Series Scientific Computing of Springer Verlag.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
The team members regularly review papers for many international journals.