Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • POEMS project-team reached the deadline of 12 years at the end of 2017. We have devoted a large part of our time during the first half-year to conceive and write a text of 20 pages which describes the new project that we submit to the management of Inria, in order to pursue our research on the modeling and simulation of wave phenomena. This project is currently discussed by several experts, in interaction with ourselves, before the final decision of creation of the new project-team.

  • S. Chaillat co-organized with X. Claeys (Sorbonnes & EPI ALPINES) the symposium of the International Association for Boundary Element Methods (IABEM), which took place in Paris in June 2018. There were about 140 attendees.

  • A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia co-organized a workshop entitled “Advanced Theoretical and Numerical Methods for waves in structured Media” in Paris in March 2018, in the framework of the GDR Ondes. There were about 90 attendees.

  • P. Ciarlet is co-author of a book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Computational Electromagnetism", published in the serie Applied Mathematical Sciences by Springer.