Section: Dissemination


Internal or external Inria responsibilities

  • M. Kachanovska is a member of the comité scientifique of Inria-Saclay.

  • A.-S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is a member of the bureau du comité des équipes-projets (BCEP).


  • POEMS has been involved in the exhibition “Rencontre diffractante”, which has been presented successively at ENSTA (from December 2017 to February 2018) and at Inria (in April and May 2018). The inspiring material of this exhibition was made up of numerical simulations of various diffraction problems studied within by POEMS team. They served as a basis for the creation of artistic objects made by several classes of the Ecole Boulle. Curators of the exhibition : Jérôme Perez, ENSTA, and Virginie Gannac, doctor in art, design and applied arts from Université Paris I Sorbonne, Ecole Boulle de Paris

  • POEMS has been involved in the event “Fête de la science” at ENSTA-ParisTech in October 2018.

  • E. Bécache presented a talk entitled “Promenade mathématique” during the day "Filles et mathématiques, une équation lumineuse" (March 27, 2018 at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau) and during the awards ceremony of the National Olympiad of Mathematics (May 30, 2018 at Créteil).

  • E. Bécache has been involved in a meeting of young female mathematics, organized on November 17-18, 2018 at ENSTA ParisTech.