Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Panayotis Mertikopoulos was involved in the following events:
2018 French Days on Optimization and Decision Science (“Journées SMAI MODE 2018”): general co-chair
2018 Paris Symposium on Game Theory (Paris, June 2018): co-organizer
GDO '18: the 2018 Workshop on Games, Dynamics, and Optimization (Vienna, March 2018): co-organizer
Scientific Events Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Member of the Editorial Boards
Patrick Loiseau is Associate Editor of ACM Trans. on Internet Technology and of IEEE Trans. on Big Data.
Invited Talks
Arnaud Legrand gave a keynote on “Simulation of Large-Scale Distributed Computing Infrastructures” at Orange Labs, Chatillon, October 2018 and on “Reproducible Research”at Inria Rennes in May 2018.
Bruno Gaujal gave invited presentations at Paris Symposium on Game Theory (Paris), International Symposium on Dynamic Games (Grenoble), New trends in Scheduling (Aussois).
Panayotis Mertikopoulos gave invited presentations at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland on Efficient network utility maximization algorithms, at National Technical University of Athens (Athens Polytechnic) Athens, Greece on Traffic in congested networks: Equilibrium, efficiency, and dynamics, at GDO 2018 in Vienna, Austria, and on Bandit learning in concave N-person games, at UC Berkeley (Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing), USA on Online learning in games.