Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The POLARIS members teach regularly. We only mention here lectures at the Master level.

  • Master: Bruno Gaujal and Mouhcine Mendil, “Advanced Performance Evaluation”, 18h (M2), ENSIMAG

  • Master: Bruno Gaujal and Panayotis Mertikopoulos, “Online decision making”, M2 ENS Lyon

  • Master: Bruno Gaujal and Ana Busic, “Cours théorie des réseaux”, M2 MPRI, Paris

  • Master M2R : Nicolas Gast “Optimization Under Uncertainties”, 18h (M2), Master ORCO, Grenoble.

  • Master: Arnaud Legrand and Jean-Marc Vincent, “Scientific Methodology and Performance Evaluation”, 18h M2, M2R MOSIG

  • Master: Arnaud Legrand, “Scientific Methodology and Performance Evaluation”, 18h M2, ENS Rennes

  • Master: Panayotis Mertikopoulos, “Advanced optimization algorithms”, 16h M2, University of Athens, Athens, Greece

  • Master: Guillaume Huard, “Conception des Systèmes d'Exploitation” (M1), Université Grenoble-Alpes

  • Master: Guillaume Huard, “Conception des Systèmes d'Exploitation” (M1), Université Grenoble-Alpes

  • Master: Florence Perronnin, “Simulation”, M1, Université Versailles – Saint-Quentin

  • Master: Arnaud Legrand and Florence Perronnin, “Probabilités–Simulation” and “Performance evaluation” 72 h (M1), RICM4 Polytech Grenoble

  • Master: Jean-Marc Vincent, Mathematics for computer science, 18 h , (M1) Mosig.

  • Master/PhD: Jean-Marc Vincent, Litterate Programming and Statistics, UFRGS (Porto Alegre, Brazil)

  • Master: Vincent Danjean, Architecture and Software project, engineering school

  • Master: Vincent Danjean, Conception of operating systems, concurrent programming and systems project, MOSIG and CS Master, Grenoble

  • E-learning Arnaud Legrand has designed and organized a MOOC on Reproducible Research with Konrad Hinsen (CNRS/Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire) and Christophe Pouzat (CNRS/ Mathématiques Appliquées à Paris 5) with the support of the Inria MOOC-lab.

    This MOOC is hosted on the FUN platform https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:inria+41016+session01bis/about and the first edition (Oct-Dec 2018) targets graduate students, PhD students, post-doc, engineers and researchers working in any scientific domain relying on computations. In this MOOC, some modern and reliable tools are presented: GitLab for version control and collaborative working, Computational notebooks (Jupyter, RStudio, and Org-Mode) for efficiently combining the computation, presentation, and analysis of data. More than 3,400 people have registered to the first edition.


  • Stephane Durand (PhD UGA defended on Dec. 11, 2018): Distributed Best Response Algorithms in random Potential Games, co-advised by Bruno Gaujal and Federica Garin (funded by Labex Persyval, Grenoble).

  • Benoit Vinot (PhD UGA defended on April 2018): Design of a distributed information system for the control of flexibilities in a power distribution network: modelling, simulation and implementation, co-advised by Nicolas Gast and Florent Cadoux

  • Vinicius Garcia Pinto (PhD in co-tutelle with UFRGS defended in 2018): Performance analysis and visualization of dynamic task-based applications: co-advised by Arnaud Legrand, Lucas Schnorr and Nicolas Maillard (funded by the Brazilian government).

  • Rafael Tesser (PhD in co-tutelle with UFRGS defended in 2018): Simulation and performance evaluation of dynamical load balancing of an over-decomposed Geophysics application, co-advised by Arnaud Legrand, Lucas Schnorr and Philippe Navaux (funded by the Brazilian government).

  • Alexis Janon (PhD in progress, 2018-...): Tasks Placement on Hierarchical Computational Platforms, co-advised by Guillaume Huard and Arnaud Legrand (funded by the French Ministry)

  • Stephan Plassart (PhD in progress, 2016-...): Energy Optimization in Embedded Systems, co-advised by Bruno Gaujal and Alain Girault (funded by Labex Persyval, Grenoble).

  • Baptiste Jonglez (PhD in progress, 2016-...): Leveraging Diversity in Communication Networks, co-advised by Bruno Gaujal and Martin Heusse (funded by Univ Grenoble Alpes).

  • Vitalii Emelianov (PhD in progress, 2018-...): Fairness and transparency in data-driven decision making, co-advised by Patrick Loiseau and Nicolas Gast (funded by Inria).

  • Benjamin Roussillon (PhD in progress, 2018-...): Classification in the presence adversarial data: models and solutions, co-advised by Patrick Loiseau and Panayotis Mertikopoulos (funded by IDEX UGA and DGA).

  • Dong Quan Vu (PhD in progress, 2017-...): Learning in Blotto games and applications to modeling attention in social networks, co-advised by Patrick Loiseau and Alonso Silva (Cifre PhD with Nokia Bell-Labs)

  • Athanasios Andreou (PhD in progress, 2015-...): Bringing transparency to personalized systems through statistical inference, co-advised by Patrick Loiseau and Oana Goga (funded by Institut Mines Telecom and ANR)

  • Alexandre Marcastel (PhD in progress, 2015-...): co-advised by E. Veronica Belmega, Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Inbar Fijalkow

  • Kimon Antonakopoulos (PhD in progress, 2017-...): Variational inequalities and optimization, co-advised by E. Veronica Belmega, Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Bruno Gaujal

  • Bruno Donassolo (PhD in progress, 2017-...): Decentralized management of applications in Fog computing environments, co-supervised by Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Arnaud Legrand and Ilhem Fajjari (Cifre PhD with Orange)

  • Pedro Bruel (PhD in progress co-advised with USP 2017-...): Design of experiments and autotuning of HPC computation kernels, co-advised by Arnaud Legrand, Alfredo Goldman and Brice Videau (funded by the Brazilian Government).

  • Tom Cornebize (PhD in progress 2017-...): Capacity planning and performance evaluation of supercomputers, advised by Arnaud Legrand (funded by the French Ministry for Research).

  • Christian Heinrich (PhD in progress 2015-...): Modeling of performance and energy consumption of HPC systems, advised by Arnaud Legrand (funded by Inria).

  • Umar Ozeer (PhD in progress 2017-...): co-advised by Jean-Marc Vincent, Gwen Salaün, François-Gaël Ottogalli and Loic Letondeur (within the Inria-Orange lab).

  • Amélie Héliou (PostDoc, Sep. 2017-May 2018): co-supervised by Panayotis Mertikopoulos and Bruno Gaujal

  • Mouhcine Mendil (PostDoc, 2017-...): supervised by Nicolas Gast

  • Takai Kennouche (PostDoc, 2017-...): supervised by Nicolas Gast

  • Luigi Vigneri (PostDoc, Sep. 2017-Sep.2018): co-supervised by Panayotis Mertikopoulos and G. Paschos

  • Olivier Bilenne (PostDoc, 2018-...): co-supervised by Panayotis Mertikopoulos and E. V. Belmega


  • Bruno Gaujal was president of the jury for the CRCN Inria Grenoble Rhone-Alpes competition.

  • Jean-Marc Vincent was member of the jury of Capes de mathématiques (option Informatique).

  • Bruno Gaujal was reviewer of the PhD of Adil Salim (Telecom Paris Tech) and Panayotis Mertikopoulos was examinator.

  • Nicolas Gast was reviewer of the PhD of Fabbio Cecchi (Univ. Eindhoven).

  • Arnaud Legrand was president of the jury for the PhD of Louis Poirel (Univ. Bordeaux).

  • Arnaud Legrand was president of the jury for the PhD of Nicolas Denoyelle (Univ. Bordeaux).

  • Arnaud Legrand was president of the jury for the PhD of Valentin Reis (Univ. Grenoble Alpes).

  • Arnaud Legrand was examinator of the jury for the PhD of Marcos Amaris Gonzales (Univ. São Paulo).