Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
Jean-Marc Vincent is responsible for the mediation in the Inria Rhône-Alpes center in relation with the Rectorat de l’Académie de Grenoble (organisation of ISN conferences, Class’Code for digital referents)
Jean-Marc Vincent coordinates the group “Info sans ordi” (computer science without computer)–in which Florence Perronnin participates
Articles and contents
Jean-Marc Vincent has coordinated and participated to the redaction of the 96 pages special issue of Tangente on Informatique Débranchée:
Highschool Professors: Vincent Danjean is responsible of the University Dept. for Highschool Professors Training in Computer Science (in relation with the rectorat).
Highschool Professors: Jean-Marc Vincent is member of the steering committee for the training of Highschool Professors towards the new option NSI (Numérique et Sciences Informatiques) for Baccalauréat and participated in the creation of a inter-university diploma in CS.
Arnaud Legrand gave a lecture on “Reproducible Research” at CIRM in May 2018 to the computer science teachers of classes préparatoires.
Bruno Gaujal: Course on game theory at the 7 laux of ENS Lyon students
Bruno Gaujal: Course on dynamique optimization for high school teachers.
Florence Perronnin: creation of an option in Licence on “Sciences Informatiques et Médiation” (CS and mediation)
Arnaud Legrand made a podcast with Interstice on reproducible research
Participation to mediation events of the center (Fête de la science, journées math C2+, journée login)
Participation to mediation actions Inria/Irem/Maison for Science (Jean-Marc Vincent)