Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Paris EMERGENCE project ENDURANCE: In the framework of the Paris Ile de France program “EMERGENCE”, Zaki Leghtas has received a funding for his research program "Multi-photon processes in superconducting circuits for quantum error correction". This grant of 230k euros has allowed us to purchase the experimental equipment to complement the experiment based at ENS.
DIM SIRTEQ project Sputthy: Zaki Leghtas has received 50k euros from the DIM SIRTEQ to purchase a sputtering system. With this machine, we will fabricate high quality resonators made out of Niobium and high kinetic inductance material such as NbTiN.
DIM SIRTEQ PhD fellowship: We have received funding from DIM SIRTEQ to cover half of the PhD of Jérémie Guillaud under supervision of Mazyar Mirrahimi.
FSMP postdoctoral fellowship: Paolo Forni has been selected for a postdoctoral fellowship by the Fondation des Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) for the academic year 2018-2019: this 12-month postdoc fellowship extends a previous one supported by the programme Math-PSL of PSL Research University.