Overall Objectives
Application Domains
Overall Objectives
Application Domains

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Paris EMERGENCE project ENDURANCE: In the framework of the Paris Ile de France program “EMERGENCE”, Zaki Leghtas has received a funding for his research program "Multi-photon processes in superconducting circuits for quantum error correction". This grant of 230k euros has allowed us to purchase the experimental equipment to complement the experiment based at ENS.

  • DIM SIRTEQ project Sputthy: Zaki Leghtas has received 50k euros from the DIM SIRTEQ to purchase a sputtering system. With this machine, we will fabricate high quality resonators made out of Niobium and high kinetic inductance material such as NbTiN.

  • DIM SIRTEQ PhD fellowship: We have received funding from DIM SIRTEQ to cover half of the PhD of Jérémie Guillaud under supervision of Mazyar Mirrahimi.

  • FSMP postdoctoral fellowship: Paolo Forni has been selected for a postdoctoral fellowship by the Fondation des Sciences Mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) for the academic year 2018-2019: this 12-month postdoc fellowship extends a previous one supported by the programme Math-PSL of PSL Research University.