Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Daniele Calandriello is awarded with the AFIA price for his PhD defended in December 2017. As a side note, this is the 5th time a PhD student of SequeL receives this award since our first PhD defense in 2010.
We organized the 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning in Lille. This event gathered 200 researchers; there were a dozen invited presentations by world research leaders, including Prof. Richard Sutton (U. Alberta), the founder of modern RL, Prof. Tze Leung Lai (Stanford U.), one of the key reference in bandit research, and also Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi (U. Milan), Peter Auer (U. of Leoben), Rémi Munos (Deepmind Paris), and Joelle Pineau (Mc Gill and FAIR).
Former 2017 intern M. Asadi got a It was “Best Poster Award” at Transylvania Machine Learning Summer School (TMLSS), July 2018 for the work she did while in SequeL
É. Kaufmann is among the top 10 reviewers at ICML 2018 (out of 1800 reviewers)
Ph. Preux was among the 24 “level-2 Distinguished Senior Program Committee Members” for IJCAI 2018 (out of 498 SPC members, 115 were distinguished, 23 at level 2, the highest level)
M. Valko is among the top 10 reviewers at ICML 2018 (out of 1800 reviewers)