Section: New Results


Dialogue Systems and Natural Language

FiLM: Visual Reasoning with a General Conditioning Layer, [35]

We introduce a general-purpose conditioning method for neural networks called FiLM: Feature-wise Linear Modulation. FiLM layers influence neural network computation via a simple , feature-wise affine transformation based on conditioning information. We show that FiLM layers are highly effective for visual reasoning - answering image-related questions which require a multi-step, high-level process - a task which has proven difficult for standard deep learning methods that do not explicitly model reasoning. Specifically, we show on visual reasoning tasks that FiLM layers 1) halve state-of-the-art error for the CLEVR benchmark, 2) modulate features in a coherent manner, 3) are robust to ablations and architectural modifications, and 4) generalize well to challenging, new data from few examples or even zero-shot.

End-to-End Automatic Speech Translation of Audiobooks, [24]

We investigate end-to-end speech-to-text translation on a corpus of audiobooks specifically augmented for this task. Previous works investigated the extreme case where source language transcription is not available during learning nor decoding , but we also study a midway case where source language transcription is available at training time only. In this case, a single model is trained to decode source speech into target text in a single pass. Experimental results show that it is possible to train compact and efficient end-to-end speech translation models in this setup. We also distribute the corpus and hope that our speech translation baseline on this corpus will be challenged in the future.

Visual Reasoning with Multi-hop Feature Modulation, [42]

Recent breakthroughs in computer vision and natural language processing have spurred interest in challenging multi-modal tasks such as visual question-answering and visual dialogue. For such tasks, one successful approach is to condition image-based convolutional network computation on language via Feature-wise Linear Modulation (FiLM) layers, i.e., per-channel scaling and shifting. We propose to generate the parameters of FiLM layers going up the hierarchy of a convolutional network in a multi-hop fashion rather than all at once, as in prior work. By alternating between attending to the language input and generating FiLM layer parameters, this approach is better able to scale to settings with longer input sequences such as dialogue. We demonstrate that multi-hop FiLM generation achieves state-of-the-art for the short input sequence task ReferIt-on-par with single-hop FiLM generation-while also significantly outperforming prior state-of-the-art and single-hop FiLM generation on the GuessWhat?! visual dialogue task.

Recommendation systems

Recurrent Neural Networks for Long and Short-Term Sequential Recommendation, [54]

Recommender systems objectives can be broadly characterized as modeling user preferences over short-or long-term time horizon. A large body of previous research studied long-term recommendation through dimensionality reduction techniques applied to the historical user-item interactions. A recently introduced session-based recommendation setting highlighted the importance of modeling short-term user preferences. In this task, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) have shown to be successful at capturing the nuances of user's interactions within a short time window. In this paper, we evaluate RNN-based models on both short-term and long-term recommendation tasks. Our experimental results suggest that RNNs are capable of predicting immediate as well as distant user interactions. We also find the best performing configuration to be a stacked RNN with layer normalization and tied item embeddings.

Fighting Boredom in Recommender Systems with Linear Reinforcement Learning, [43]

A common assumption in recommender systems (RS) is the existence of a best fixed recommendation strategy. Such strategy may be simple and work at the item level (e.g., in multi-armed bandit it is assumed one best fixed arm/item exists) or implement more sophisticated RS (e.g., the objective of A/B testing is to find the best fixed RS and execute it thereafter). We argue that this assumption is rarely verified in practice, as the recommendation process itself may impact the user's preferences. For instance, a user may get bored by a strategy, while she may gain interest again, if enough time passed since the last time that strategy was used. In this case, a better approach consists in alternating different solutions at the right frequency to fully exploit their potential. In this paper, we first cast the problem as a Markov decision process, where the rewards are a linear function of the recent history of actions, and we show that a policy considering the long-term influence of the recommendations may outperform both fixed-action and contextual greedy policies. We then introduce an extension of the UCRL algorithm (LINUCRL) to effectively balance exploration and exploitation in an unknown environment, and we derive a regret bound that is independent of the number of states. Finally, we empirically validate the model assumptions and the algorithm in a number of realistic scenarios.

Autonomous car

A Survey of State-Action Representations for Autonomous Driving, [51]

Approximate Robust Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems, [40]

This work studies the design of safe control policies for large-scale non-linear systems operating in uncertain environments. In such a case, the robust control framework is a principled approach to safety that aims to maximize the worst-case performance of a system. However, the resulting optimization problem is generally intractable for non-linear systems with continuous states. To overcome this issue, we introduce two tractable methods that are based either on sampling or on a conservative approximation of the robust objective. The proposed approaches are applied to the problem of autonomous driving.

Software development

Correctness Attraction: A Study of Stability of Software Behavior Under Runtime Perturbation, [12]

Can the execution of a software be perturbed without breaking the correctness of the output? In this paper, we devise a novel protocol to answer this rarely investigated question. In an experimental study, we observe that many perturbations do not break the correctness in ten subject programs. We call this phenomenon “correctness attraction”. The uniqueness of this protocol is that it considers a systematic exploration of the perturbation space as well as perfect oracles to determine the correctness of the output. To this extent, our findings on the stability of software under execution perturbations have a level of validity that has never been reported before in the scarce related work. A qualitative manual analysis enables us to set up the first taxonomy ever of the reasons behind correctness attraction.

This paper has attracted a significant interest in the SE community. This work has been invited for an oral presentation (along a 1 page summary) at the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering, the main conference in software engineering. It has then been invited on the IEEE Software review blog.

SMPyBandits: an Experimental Framework for Single and Multi-Players Multi-Arms Bandits Algorithms in Python, [46]

SMPyBandits is a package for numerical simulations on single-player and multi-players Multi-Armed Bandits (MAB) algorithms, written in Python (2 or 3). This library is the most complete open-source implementation of state-of-the-art algorithms tackling various kinds of sequential learning problems referred to as Multi-Armed Bandits. It is extensive, simple to use and maintain, with a clean and well documented codebase. It allows fast prototyping of experiments, with an easy configuration system and command-line options to customize experiments.

Lilian Besson developed a library for multi-armed bandit algorithms in Python for single and multi-player bandits.

Deep Learning

FiLM: Visual Reasoning with a General Conditioning Layer, [35]

We introduce a general-purpose conditioning method for neural networks called FiLM: Feature-wise Linear Modulation. FiLM layers influence neural network computation via a simple , feature-wise affine transformation based on conditioning information. We show that FiLM layers are highly effective for visual reasoning - answering image-related questions which require a multi-step, high-level process - a task which has proven difficult for standard deep learning methods that do not explicitly model reasoning. Specifically, we show on visual reasoning tasks that FiLM layers 1) halve state-of-the-art error for the CLEVR benchmark, 2) modulate features in a coherent manner, 3) are robust to ablations and architectural modifications, and 4) generalize well to challenging, new data from few examples or even zero-shot.

Feature-wise transformations, [13]

i-RevNet: Deep Invertible Networks, [32]

It is widely believed that the success of deep convolutional networks is based on progressively discarding uninformative variability about the input with respect to the problem at hand. This is supported empirically by the difficulty of recovering images from their hidden representations, in most commonly used network architectures. In this paper we show via a one-to-one mapping that this loss of information is not a necessary condition to learn representations that generalize well on complicated problems, such as ImageNet. Via a cascade of homeomorphic layers, we build the i-RevNet, a network that can be fully inverted up to the final projection onto the classes, i.e. no information is discarded. Building an invertible architecture is difficult, for one, because the local inversion is ill-conditioned, we overcome this by providing an explicit inverse. An analysis of i-RevNets learned representations suggests an alternative explanation for the success of deep networks by a progressive contraction and linear separation with depth. To shed light on the nature of the model learned by the i-RevNet we reconstruct linear interpolations between natural image representations.

Compressing the Input for CNNs with the First-Order Scattering Transform, [33]

We study the first-order scattering transform as a candidate for reducing the signal processed by a convolutional neural network (CNN). We study this transformation and show theoretical and empirical evidence that in the case of natural images and sufficiently small translation invariance, this transform preserves most of the signal information needed for classification while substantially reducing the spatial resolution and total signal size. We show that cascading a CNN with this representation performs on par with ImageNet classification models commonly used in downstream tasks such as the ResNet-50. We subsequently apply our trained hybrid ImageNet model as a base model on a detection system, which has typically larger image inputs. On Pascal VOC and COCO detection tasks we deliver substantial improvements in the inference speed and training memory consumption compared to models trained directly on the input image.

Visual Reasoning with Multi-hop Feature Modulation, [42]

Recent breakthroughs in computer vision and natural language processing have spurred interest in challenging multi-modal tasks such as visual question-answering and visual dialogue. For such tasks, one successful approach is to condition image-based convolutional network computation on language via Feature-wise Linear Modulation (FiLM) layers, i.e., per-channel scaling and shifting. We propose to generate the parameters of FiLM layers going up the hierarchy of a convolutional network in a multi-hop fashion rather than all at once, as in prior work. By alternating between attending to the language input and generating FiLM layer parameters, this approach is better able to scale to settings with longer input sequences such as dialogue. We demonstrate that multi-hop FiLM generation achieves state-of-the-art for the short input sequence task ReferIt-on-par with single-hop FiLM generation-while also significantly outperforming prior state-of-the-art and single-hop FiLM generation on the GuessWhat?! visual dialogue task.