Section: New Software and Platforms


The Nunchaku Higher-Order Model Finder

Keywords: Proof - Higher-order logic

Scientific Description: Nunchaku is a model finder for higher-order logic, with dedicated support for various definitional principles. It is designed to work as a backend for various proof assistants (notably Isabelle/HOL and Coq) and to use state-of-the-art model finders and other solvers as backends.

Functional Description: Nunchaku is a model finder (counterexample generator) for higher-order logic.

News Of The Year: A noteworthy development this year is a preliminary integration of Nunchaku in the Lean proof assistant. This work was performed by Pablo Le Hénaff during an internship at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. See his internship report at http://matryoshka.gforge.inria.fr/pubs/lehenaff_report.pdf for details.