Section: Dissemination


Articles and contents

  • Steve Haroz's twitter account on a broad range of topics including open science, visualization, and visual perception have been viewed over 1.1 million times and received over 30,000 engagements in the form of clicks, likes, and retweets in 2019.

  • Steve Haroz maintains a website cataloging openly accessible papers and research materials in visualization research. Open Access Vis has averaged 2,000 unique visitors per year for the past three years.

  • Steve Haroz maintains a research website receiving 5,000 unique visitors and a blog on research receiving 2,000 unique visitors in 2019.

  • Pierre Dragicevic and Yvonne Jansen: the data physicalization wiki and the List of Physical Visualizations and Related Artefacts (600 weekly visits) are continuously being updated.

  • Matthew Brehmer wrote a Medium article “Visualizing Trends on Mobile Phones: Animation or Small Multiples?” on an Aviz co-authored publication https://medium.com/multiple-views-visualization-research-explained/mobiletrendvis-a948fa65bccd


  • Lonni Besançon gave a TEDx talk on work conducted at Aviz with Pierre Dragicevic and Tobias Isenberg [11]. Watch the talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDHomZ8FEoU.

  • Jean-Daniel Fekete: Panel at Imaginascience 2019, « Faire parler les données : le défi de la data visualisation », Annecy, October 16, 2019

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

Petra Isenberg collaborated on research to develop a visualization tool to better understand clustering algorithms. The tool is available at https://educlust.dbvis.de/.