Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Participants : Enrique Gutierrez Alvarez, Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier.
SEIGLE means "Simulation Expérimentation pour l’Interaction de Gouttes Liquides avec un Ecoulement fortement compressible". It is a 3-year program which has started since October 2017 and was funded by Régional Nouvelle-Aquitaine, ISAE-ENSMA, CESTA and Inria. The interest of understanding aerodynamic mechanisms and liquid drops atomization is explained by the field of applications where they play a key role, specially in the new propulsion technologies through detonation in the aerospace as well as in the securities field. The SEIGLE project was articulated around a triptych experimentation, modeling and simulation. An experimental database will be constituted. It will rely on a newly installed facility (Pprime), similar to a supersonic gust wind tunnel/ hypersonic from a gaseous detonation tube at high pressure. This will allow to test modeling approaches (Pprime / CEA) and numerical simulation (Inria / CEA) with high order schemes for multiphasic compressible flows, suitable for processing shock waves in two-phase media.
HPC scalable ecosystem
Participants : Jonathan Jung, Vincent Perrier, [A two-year Post-doc starting in 2019 or 2020] .
HPC scalable ecosystem is a 3-year program funded by Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine (call 2018), Airbus, CEA-CESTA, University of Bordeaux, INRA, ISAE-ENSMA and Inria. A two-year post-doc will be hired in 2019 or 2020. The objective is to extend the prototype developed in [44] to high order (discontinuous Galerkin) and non-reactive diffusive flows in 3d. The same basis will be developed in collaboration with Pprime for WENO based methods for reactive flows.