Section: Dissemination
SIDO 2019: SIDO is leading European Solutions and Technologies event for IoT, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for strategic decision-makers in innovation and business operations. Jeremie Dequidt has presented current research works arund Soft Roboctics.
Fête de la science 2019: Bruno Carrez and Olivier Goury took part in the ” village des sciences“ at the ”Gare Saint-Sauveur“ in Lille city center to present soft robots to several groups of students from middle school and high school which represents about 150 children over 2 days between October 10th and 11th 2019.
FOSDEM 2019 Brussels: its an open-software manifestation which happen every years during 2 days. Some people of our team (Damiens Marchal, Eulalie Coevoet, Bruno Marques, Bruno Carrez and Félix Vanneste) went there to help the SOFA consortium to make some advertisement of our simulation tools.
ISN intervention: Olivier Goury presented the field of soft robotics to high school students taking a Computer Science option (Informatiques sciences du numérique) and exchanged about the school projects on March the 20th 2019.
Défi Robotique at Lycée Baggio: Olivier Goury took part in the Défi Robotique at Lycée Baggio in which teams of middle school, high school, preparatory classes and engineering students have 24 hours to solve a robotics challenge. Olivier Goury gave a conference on Soft Robotics and was a member of jury.
Journée de la recherche Centrale Lille: Alexandre Kruszewski, Thor Morales-Bieze and Bruno Carrez presented the research activities (with live demos) in a showroom dedicated to the promotion of the scientific activities of the Laboratory of the campus.