Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Marco Lorenzi is principal investigator of the project Big Data for Brain Research, funded during 2017-20 by the Départment des Alpes Maritimes.

  • Marco Lorenzi is principal investigator of the project MetaImaGen, funded by Idex Jedi UCA (2018-2020, 37k€).

  • Maxime Sermesant is principal investigator of the project "The Digital Heart" and the innovation action "Digital Heart Phantom" with General Electrics, funded by Idex UCA Jedi. These projects gather the local cardiac research in academia, clinics and industry.

  • Hervé Delingette is the principal investigator of the LungMark project funded by Idex Jedi UCA (2018-2021).

  • Hervé Delingette is the principal investigator of the CIMPLE project, funded by Idex Jedi UCA (2018-2021), the region PACA and Oticon Medical. The region PACA and Oticon Medical are co-funding the Phd of Zihao Wang.

  • N. Ayache and P. Robert are principal investigators of the project MNC3 (Médecine Numérique, Cerveau, Cognition, Comportement) funded by Idex Jedi UCA (2017-2021, 450k€). M. Lorenzi (Inria) actively participates to the supervision of this project with the help of V. Manera (ICP).