Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
LUE C-Shift
Project title: Cobots in the Service of Human activity at work In consistence with the challenges of Industry of the FuTure
Le projet IMPACT « C-SHIFT » (Cobots in the Service of Human activity at work In consistence with the challenges of Industry of the FuTure) labélisé LUE (Lorraine Université d’Excellence) en collaboration avec les laboratoires de recherches LORIA, CRAN, CEREFIGE, PErSEUS, DevAH, LGIPM et les centres d’expertise et ressources AIPL-SMART et Ergosim et qui vise à étudier l’impact de la mise en œuvre de dispositifs collaboratifs intelligents tels que les cobots dans le cadre des défis de l’industrie du futur.
LUE Acceptability
Project title: elderly-technology interaction: accessibility and acceptability of assistive technology at home
Partners : Inria-Loria and Psychology and neuroscience lab - EA7489 (2LPN)
participants : Jérome Dinet, François Charpillet, Eloïse Zehner
This PhD program is funded by the LUE PhD program, which among other has the objective to strength cooperation with associated institutions or companies supporting one of the six socio-economic challenges, here “Ageing and Health” challenge. This Ph.D. thesis, is aiming:
at identifying sustainable actions to promote seniors’ quality of life, intended to investigate this kind of interaction in terms of accessibility and acceptability that senior citizen experience with technological devices autonomy at home;
at understanding more of technology use by older people. We have insight in the actual situation on older people’s use and acceptance of technology, but locally and segmented, and more descriptive than explanatory. Most attention goes to the role of technology in the home with a particular focus on the interaction between people and assistive robots.
Project Psyphine Hors les Murs
Psyphine is an interdisciplinary and exploratory project that gathers philosophers, psychologists, ethnologist, and computer scientists. The long term goal of the project is to explore the idea of assignments of intelligence or intentionality. Assuming that our intersubjectivity and our natural tendency to anthropomorphize plays a central role in this process, the project members investigate the elements that drive humans to attribute intelligence to robotic devices. Some of the questions that we aim to answer are: is it possible to give the illusion of cognition and/or intelligence through a technical device? How elaborate must be the control algorithms or “behaviors” of such a device so as to fool the observer? How many degrees of freedom must it have?
Partner institutions: InterPsy (EA 4432), ATILF (UMR 7118), Archives Henri-Poincaré (UMR7117), Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Loria (UMR7503) and MSH Lorraine (USR3261).