New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: Dissemination


Articles and contents

  • For a Festschrift in honor of Catuscia Palamidessi, François Fages was unexpectedly inspired to compose a small music score and write a short essay on information leakage in music scores [10].

  • Jakob Ruess gave an interview for the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) as a past laureate of the SIB Award.


  • Eléonore Bellot, Mathieu Hemery and Elise Weill Duflos participated at Fête de la Science at Inria SIF, Oct. 2019

  • François Fages has received college school students for a visit to our research team with the question “Can we program any function ?”, answered negatively by proving Cantor's theorem.

  • Mathieu Hemery has animated debates with college school students on Science and Ethics at Inria and Association Arbre des Connaissance, Oct. 2019.

Creation of media or tools for science outreach

François Fages has created several BIOCHAM interactive notebooks that are integrated in the current release of BIOCAHM-4 to illustrate and exercise the main concepts of analog chemical computer and chemical programming, as teached in his Master course at MPRI.